Chapter 15

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i was planning on writing tomorrow since i'm pretty lazy but remembered you guys might spam me with threats and stuff so i had to T~T

Question of the chapter : what is HIATUS?
Because someone wants me to put this book on hiatus .-.


Viktor and Mia decided to continue skating, they shouldn't listen to their conversation, they wouldn't want to be involved with another argument, but would stay near in case, the boy was skating backwards with his hands up in defense, he could visibly see a vein throb on her forehead, she was angry at him, she skated forward to the boy as the boy continued to skate backwards till he hit the opaque glass wall and railings, the female didn't stop as she inched closer, till her face was right in front of his, merely a few inches away, making the poor tekno blush, a new shade of deep red, which got the female more annoyed, seriously, why is the boy blushing whenever she is near? her bruise still hurted so she's probably not gonna let him go until he gets the taste of what he did.

but they boy just blushed, he blushed a deeper shade of cherry red. he even started sweating, which made no sense, they're in a cold place. which got the female irritated and frustrated.

Why. Is. He. Blushing?!

she thought of all the possible reasons why the boy would be flustered around her.........

the boy doesn't have a fever by the looks of it, her fever is not contagious. it wasn't from heat, the place is freezing. the boy isn't influenced either.

for all she knows about blushing. When you're embarrassed, adrenaline is released, speeding up your heart rate and dilating your blood vessels to improve your blood flow and oxygen delivery. In humans, facial veins react to this adrenaline by blushing. But this response doesn't happen anywhere else in your body, which is why you don't blush all over.

but that could also mean his nervous system is reacting, maybe to a strong emotion? she doesn't know. stressed? the boy isn't stressed. embarrassed? she doesn't think so...

there should be one last reason why Ali blushes whenever she is near...

Could it be...?

"Ali Bin Ghazali.... Do you like me?"


now on with the story!            (readers : finally!)

(!WARNING!) : Chapter contains hurtful words (no swearing though)

P.S.  please hand me some tissues, you guys might need some


Normal p.o.v.

"......w-what?" the boy stammered, he didn't expect that. at all. the female could only utter a cocky smirk and pointed a finger at him in a sign of accusation.

"you like me. don't you Ghazali. is that why you always blush when i'm around? is that why you stopped our rivalry? this is quite unexpected of you for an IRIS agent" she mocked as the boy covered his face in embarrassment. he doesn't really know himself if he likes her or not, he only knows that he has this butterfly feeling whenever he is with her, or feeling the hair on the back of his neck rise when she spoke to him uncharacteristically soft and kind, he wasn't used to this side of Alicia. but he likes it, he likes how on good terms they are.

{COMPLETED} The More You Hate, The More You Love {Ejen Ali Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now