Chapter 10

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normal p.o.v.

"don't touch anything that you are not supposed to touch" said the female neuro as the young tekno walks in her home, he had a small back pack with him, including the cat he never likes being apart from him.

"yes mam" the boy replied as he dropped his bag down and stretched, they were already back at the city the next morning, and back to Alicia's home, the young tekno already gave out reasons to his father to stay in the female's home. said father wont stop giving him 'the talk' on how he should respect girls and all those stuff, which irritated Ali, it seemed as if the man was warning him not to do anything 'stupid'. the boy ended up shouting about the female not bringing interest to him at all. fathers these days..

"you'll stay in the guest room. away from my room." she continued as she walked upstairs, showing him her room, the feline following suit, she took them to the room she mentioned, which looked like any other comfy room, cream colored walls, tiled floor with scarlet peach carpets, a desk with obviously a chair, and a few things you'll definitely see in a room, the young boy walked in, looking around as he placed his bag on the bed.

"this looks even better than my own room" he smiled as the female merely rolled her eyes and gave him the spare keys of the house.

"you never clean your room Ali. it's obvious" that statement made the young tekno roll his eyes annoyed, the female having set everything she needs to do, retreated back to her own room to rest, the young boy just took his time to feel at home, indeed the place was casual, not like how he imagined, like a training simulator inside the garage or something, last time he went in, he didn't look around much but now he's free to roam around.

"meow?"  the feline merely brushed against his leg as the boy laughed and petted her.

"like it here Comot? we can roam around now unlike last time, go ahead" the boy stated, which the feline just gave him a look of annoyance, clearly the boy still hasn't figured out her body languages.

"meow!" she yelled out as the boy picked her up from the carpet.

"whats wrong? why don't you go roam around like you used to?" and thats when the boy realized, he could've laughed at himself, of course, it's always what she says.

"you're hungry, are you?" the cat gave him a deadpanned look, the boy laughed and placed the feline down and went to prepare something, he was hungry also.

"what does Alicia want to eat?" he asked himself and went back upstairs, much to the feline's dismay, she just followed. 

Ali stalked up the stairs and in front of the neuro's room door, he took in a breath and knocked three times. "Alicia? i'm gonna make lunch, what do you wanna eat?" he asked only to receive silence as an answer, he glanced down at the feline who yawned and started to loom around. 

"Alicia?" he questioned and knocked again, still no answer, he glanced at the feline before quietly opening the door.

"Alicia? hello?" he entered the room, the neuro was nowhere to be seen, but he did found a stack of yellow clothes on the bed.

"Alicia??" he called out as another door in the room opened, the female neuro walked out, she was drying her short hair with a towel as Ali took the courtesy to turn around, respect right?

"uhh Alicia?"  he called out once more as the female rolled her eyes.

"who gave you the permission to enter my room?" she asked as she hanged her towel on a hanger nearby, the young tekno slowly turned around, cautiously as he did, seeing the female in her normal wear was a bit new to the boy, the short haired female wore a yellow shirt that said 'keep out' with hey usual black leggings. the boy swallowed the lump in his throat.

"uhh i was gonna make lunch and wanted to ask what you wanna eat, but you weren't answering so i went in, i didn't know there was a bathroom in your room.... but i didn't saw anything i swear!" the boy defended as the female rolled her eyes, again.

"don't worry. i don't change clothes out in the open, unlike you maybe, and all rooms has their own bathrooms" she placed her used clothes into a basket on the bathroom, the young boy however, stood in place, still not used to being around the neuro in this kind of matter, the female went back and walks out of the room with no care at all, the tekno doubts somehow, does the neuro really have an illness? it's as if the neuro was healthy to the fullest.

"hey Alicia! wait up!" he rushed out, the feline cat rolled her eyes and stretched before following the duo, the female having already been annoyed, and hungry.

"meow..." she just pawed back towards the kitchen, where the two was.

"what do you wanna eat? i'll cook for us, don't want you stressing yourself out right?" the tekno stated as the female opened the fridge and took out a handful of ingredients.

"do you even know how to cook? i bet all you know is to cook instant noodles" she insulted and took out a few dry ingredients from the cupboards, the tekno scowled from the insult and snatched the ingredients out of the neuro's arms.

"look, i may be stupid, i may be careless and irresponsible but come on, i know how to cook! sit back down and i'll make us some good curry" he took out some cooking oil as the female only narrowed her eyes on the tekno, she knows the boy doesn't know how to cook, she doesn't trust the boy at all.

"fine, i'll let you cook, but if you make such as a small mess in here, you're finished." she threatened as the female took her phone and went to the living room, just a few feet away from the tekno, she had to stay somewhere that she can relax, and keep an eye on the clumsy agent, sighing, she opened her phone and checked her messages, she doesn't really get messages from other people, only people from M.A.T.A. or the general, and of course, her friend Mia, whom spammed her with questions like 'where have you been?' or 'where did you go?', her best bet, it's from the day she needs to go on mission and that earthquake drill excuse, she just replied 'home, where else?' and muted the conversation, she wasn't in the mood to talk to her right now, and again there are messages from the General, asking about her well-being, the neuro only replied that she was doing fine with the boy, and shuts down her phone completely, she isn't the type to spend hours on talking with 'friends'. not like she had many anyways.

"meow?" she glanced down to see the white feline, whom hopped on the couch and got herself in a comfortable position, the neuro brought a hand up to pet the said feline whom purred in response.

"do you trust Ali?" she asked the feline whom gave out a big yawn and just looks back at the neuro female with a confused emotion, encouraging the female to continue.

"sometimes he proves to be someone he's not, i don't like that, he's pretentious at times. i bet he's making a huge mess at the kitchen right now." the neuro sighed and continued to pet the white feline. the neuro having stuck into her own little world, in her thoughts, she thought it over, she doesn't like people who pretends, just to get onto her neutral terms, she hates it.

The female was so deep in thought, she hadn't realized that she slowly drifted off to sleep, along with the feline who actually fell asleep also from her calm motions...

now the boy was left to do what he wants to do.

without the supervision of the one who owns the place =w= just like what he wanted.


hi, sorry it's rushed, trying to update as much as possible, and yeah, people like it when there's many chapters in a book so....

question : on a scale of 1-10, do you like the story so far?

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