Chapter 46 (p.s. read till A.U. i need help)

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Chapter 46 (FINALLY *hits myself*)

 (and I need your help.. please read the Author's note after the chapter. Do not skip please... be loyal UwU)

Sorry, don't think I still have a face to show, it's been a while, how are you guys? Hope you all stay safe in our days quarantined in our homes, stay safe!

I really need you're help, read till the author's note, read it plssss.

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Normal P.O.V.

"Soooo.... How does Alicia normally act in school??" Moon, disguised as Alicia asked, her bright and cheery attitude somewhat got the other students to wonder what Alicia had for breakfast to act this way, Khai on the other hand as Ali, could just laugh in a hesitant way, acting as Ali is very easy.

Although Ms. Munah would question his sudden smartness.

Jet on the other side, act as cool as he can be, flirting with female students, not so Viktor like but he couldn't help his 'handsome' aura.

Mia could only sigh, she still have to do something about their attitudes to reduce the suspicion that is already rising, having to babysit Moon is like going through her childhood days, difference is, she is the one babysitting.

"Moon please quiet down, Alicia is cold and quiet, and she is very distant towards others." Mia quietly pleaded, though it seems like luck was actually never on her side.

"Look who decided to show up, done cowering under your shell?" of course, Syed and Shaun. Sasi would always be on their side of idioticy. Moon was stammered in question. Wouldn't anyone be?

"Hello! How are you today? I feel wonderful!" moon chirped, which caught everyone else off guard, Mia could only face palm, why didn't they sent Roza instead?

"You must have lost your mind, listen here Alicia, you can't divert our attention with your change of perspective, of course a Vixen would be as bold as you, let me guess, you want Ali to cover up for you again? Right after you framed Shaun and didn't show up after?! I'm surprised how you can still come to school in a chirpy attitude." Syed yelled out, clearly talking about the events with that pyramid, which on the worst care, Moon had no idea about, you can just imagine the look on Moon's face while using Alicia's physical appearance, it must be hilarious for the calm and collected Alicia.

"H-hey, don't come saying lies now, this is slander and bullying you're doing, under the policies of the school in page 23 of the student handbook, section 23 sub 7. Paragraph of policies number 4, line 36. As I quote and unquote. "Any act of bullying which includes name calling and slander will be severely penalized according to the severity scaling from verbal bullying, to physical and emotional bullying, other sanctions may be applied for cyber bullying which will be decided upon the principal himself, major offences will lead to expulsion or suspension." And I would say, this is a major offense."        Khai mentioned as he held his pointer finger up, emphasizing his point, which got Sasi off guard also, Ali never read, I mean NEVER read the student handbook, how come he is so knowledgeable of it now?

"Yeah, hurt our friend and you will kiss my beautiful knuckles!" Jet smirked while cracking his knuckles with a sinister smirk of wanting to punch someone, Viktor was always calm and compromised, and how could he be like this? Mia could only fear what else can happen if this goes on.

She might've jinxed it.

"W...wait... you guys... aren't Alicia, Ali and Viktor... are you..? they wouldn't act like that...." Sasi stammered, being too smart he is, or watching too much dramas?

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