Chapter 32

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yes, another chapter.

i just wanna explain to those who keeps on spamming me asking on who Quatro is.

let me clarify, Viktor may not be Quatro, or he might, but thats up to you to believe, i will only tell the truth when i mention it on certain parts of the book, in the meantime i will give out hints for you all.

Rudy has lived in the outskirts of Cyberaja before, so he might be a suspect, and no one has a brief idea about his family, plus Djin (Uno) helped him, since he's dead now, Rudy might avenge him right? well there's no way Rudy will consider Uno as his 'grandfather' so uhhh?

and we all know that Viktor is rich and smart, he wouldn't fit the life Quatro narrated right?

and uhh... Khai? he never lived outside of Cyberaja.

Chris? Jet? Bulat? boy they're all innocents hahaha

so... who else can be Quatro?

mind you, no OC is included as a major, and this story has twists and turns so good luck!


Normal p.o.v.

"Ali!" a female's voice yelled out to him, yet the boy seemed like he wasn't able to hear her right now.

it was an hour later when the other agents managed to get in the safe house and secure the area, Alicia having been prohibited from seeing Ali until she gets treated in the med bay, she was injured as well but not as bad as Ali's state.

when they arrived, both villains had already fled the scene a few minutes ago, finding Ali unconscious by the dents on the metallic floors and walls. seemed as the Override mode took another toll on him and drained him from his energy, his figure bruised and a broken nose. he was immediately rushed towards the med bay wherein Jenny treated his wounds.

still. Alicia was worried sick about him, plus the lack of proper rest. Comot was now resting beside her, having been knocked an hour ago, yet she wondered, she saw how Ali destroyed his mask, and no doubt, he is very familiar. but couldn't pin point who exactly, what she knows is the guy knows how to push Ali to the limits.

"how are you now, Agent Alicia?" the neuro female glanced beside her, the older inviso agent sat on a chair beside the bed she's resting in. her worry and anxiousness stayed rooted at her expression. 

"i'm fine now, Agent Rizwan, what about Ali? is he ok?" she couldn't help but think of his well being aside from hers, it was also her fault for not keeping an eye on the boy like she should have, and it was too late for her to help him. she somehow felt guilty about it. she could have done something.

apparently, Agent Rizwan could visibly see the female's facial features to darken, and her expression filled with worry. the older Agent could only place a hand on her shoulder in a comforting way.

we can all admit that Agent Rizwan is not the type to comfort and show emotions to others if it was unnecessary, but he developed a soft side for the two teens he has been keeping an eye on for the last three years and a half. 

"don't fret, he fainted from IRIS draining his energy, other than that, Ali is a strong boy remember? thats just a small bump for him, he'll be clinging by your side in a matter of minutes after recovery." and here comes the shipper Rizwan. which made the neuro female kind of annoyed, he was supposed to comfort and console her of Ali's state by now, not make fun of her using Ali.

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