Chapter 53: Epilogue: The Most Awaited Ending...

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Epilogue: Goodbyes

Ali's P.O.V.

"Don't make me shoot you!" I laughed upon hearing a familiar yell, screaming of students followed afterwards. Who does that belong to? Bingo! It's Roza!

Wonder why? Well, some of the students actually joined Cyberaya 2 for various reasons.

Roza decided to pursue a teenage life while enjoying her reign of terrorism as a prefect, although her weaponry is fake, but it's enough to scare the bullies back to their classes.

Khai became a lab assistant for the sake of sharing his advanced knowledge but keeping the whole M.A.T.A. agent and tech to ourselves, we still can't disclose our identities. Which is not really a problem. A lot of things happened after Viktor perished, we have never heard any news about the Numeroz but I have a feeling that they won't cause too much trouble from now on.

I smiled and walked through the cafeteria, most of the agents are here as undercover and for fun. Like Rudy was convinced to teach martial arts here, surprising huh? It wasn't hard to ask him if you have Iman by your side, Mia disagreed on joining M.A.T.A. she suffered a lot after Viktor's death, I guess she really was too sincere in loving him. I felt bad, but the others are accompanying her from time to time, I can see a smile every now and then, wounds will heal and I know that's right.

What about me? Well let's say I am thiiiiis close into becoming one of the best students in class! I'm not joking alright, Alicia's tutoring really paid off, I also have Viktor's tablet to guide me with his notes.

If Detektive Jebat would only stop popping up with an encouragement to make you play, guess it's for Viktor.

Alicia? Well, she's been really great, no one dares to bother her anymore. The gang and I made sure of it, those bullies Shaun and Sid? Ha! They're being chased by Roza with a water gun! Can't you believe it? I guess you could say that their reign has finally ended and peace has once again fell onto this school for once, even more exciting than ever if I must add.

"What are you daydreaming about? Class is about to start, idiot." I glanced by my left, Alicia, still the same killjoy in my fantasies. But I can't refuse the fact that she's always right, as Viktor always says. We men have to adjust to women if we want to live in peace. Why? Well I guess it's associated with this thing called respect and love.

"Nothing, let's go." I smiled and headed in; I could see her roll her eyes on the corner of my sight as I sat on the seat behind her. I vaguely remembered how Viktor used to help me sneak in class while Alicia gets us busted, but she has her reasons... I only understood it only now. I could remember how Viktor once teased saying that Alicia likes me, I said I'd be the new uno. But I won't anyways, that's just a random bluff trust me.

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