Chapter 33

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ha! thumbs up on the cliffhanger!!

Yeah you guys hate cliffhanger i know that

so someone suspected, is it Rudy? or Viktor?


and don't forget to share this to other Ejen Ali fans that spends their time looking for English stories of Ejen Ali, i'll write many stories!

even one shots or requested stories!!

just comment them below.

or even better! directly send me your request and ideas through private messages, that will increase the chances i wont forget!

who wants more cliffhanger and leave ya' hangin' for a week? like last time?? hahaha


Normal p.o.v.

"Ali wait!" Alicia pulled him back before he got out of the shed, the tekno confused on why the female paused int he middle of an attack.

"what is it this time? hurry up or he might destroy the campus!" he tried to break free from the female's grasp, but she held him back with double the strength.

"stop for a while Ali! Jenny reviewed IRIS' visual recording! she knows who Quatro is!" that made the boy stop and snap his head to look at her, is she serious? he got desperate to find out who he is.

Alicia just stared at her phone in shock, Jenny had send her a picture of IRIS' recording on a capture sight of Quatro's unmasked face.

"it couldn't be..." she stared in disbelief and even rubbed her eyes to make sure she sees it correctly, then glanced at Ali with wide eyes...

"Ali.... Quatro is--"


"Ali, Quatro is actually--" Alicia got cut off mid sentence when the door was suddenly smashed open, revealing their new enemy who's identity was about to unfold, he had a sinister smile on, his new mask covering his identity, but he wasn't alone, Dos was shifting her weight from leg to leg, having an amused expression. but not just that. Trez was on Dos' other side, smirking menacingly. 

Ali instinctively got in front of Alicia, having his right arm out to cover her back, he could only give a dark glare towards Quatro, it was a pity that Ali couldn't remember Quatro's identity due to override mode. and he wouldn't bare seeing Alicia injured again cause of himself.

"what? not happy to see me? you gotta be kidding, everyone would love to meet up with their nemesis. aren't i correct?" he chuckled darkly along with the other two behind him, Quatro's new appearance kind of reminded Ali of Uno, Quatro wore the same outfit as he, but that shouldn't intimidate Ali, the young tekno can take whatever comes at him. and he will do anything to save the people, the school, his friends and comrades. and Alicia.

"think you can get my identity? well i'm sorry to crash your winning moment, but i'm afraid. i can't let you." Quatro chuckled in a menacing aura and snapped his fingers, his two comrades got prepared for a fight they'd been dying to have a battle for days now.

"RUDY, THAT IS ENOUGH!" Alicia screamed out, making Ali get his guard down from being stunned in shock, giving Dos the opportunity to lunge in for an attack, Ali was too stunned to dodge and ended up getting kicked to a pile of book shelves. Alicia could only snarl and immediately got up and shoot steel bullets towards her enemies, Trez joined in the brawl and deflected the bullets, Dos kept on smacking Ali everywhere, and even stabbing her shock stix at him, the boy could only yell out, still unable to attack back.

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