Chapter 51: Endgame part 1

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Chapter 51

Question of the chapter : How much do you trust your friends?

And who wants a sneak peak of the new book coming right up?? What do you think the next book will be? (brain : Woman, do you even have time?? XD)


Normal P.O.V.

It was quiet, very quiet. You could clearly hear the robotic footsteps make itself known on the far hallways, yet none of them paid attention to the three figures slumping against the wall on the cell area. The three were separated from each other, separated on different cells yet beside each other.

The young neuro agent just sat by her own cell, leaning on the cold metallic walls while hugging her knees close to her chest. She felt in utter defeat, defeat in protecting her team, defeat in being a leader most likely. And as a friend, she failed at everything.

"Alicia...? What are we going to do now...?" a voice from her left spoke, it belonged to the young newly appointed Inviso, yet the female stayed silent. She herself doesn't know how to reply to the young girl, she doesn't have the guts to even say that everything will be alright when it's far from it.

"Alicia, say something. You always come up with an idea, maybe they're on our way to save us and—"

"Stop." Alicia snapped, cutting her friend off mid-sentence. Silence fell on both of them once again, until a grunt was heard on Alicia's other side where Ali was detained. Which made the female perk up, she placed both her hands on the holographic glass which acted as a locked door yet she could hear him, she could feel his presence clearly despite the blockage.

"Ali...?" she questioned, patiently waiting for a response, yet all she got were grunts from the boy's side.

"What... happened?" his voice rang out, though his voice was rash and husky. It could be due to being unconscious for the time being, yet it somewhat eases the female for the fact that the boy seems to be in one piece still.

"Viktor betrayed us; they are on their way to capture the rest of the team. How about you, Ali? Does your back hurt?" She questioned, the confused boy gave a questioning look, even though they couldn't see Ali from their positions.

"Well, that explains the bandages. No, they don't hurt anymore, but what happened? Why would Viktor turn against us?" The boy questioned, Alicia knew that Viktor had Dos to patch Ali's injuries clean for some reason, luckily, they do.

Although the female stayed silent, she didn't know as well. Perhaps Viktor was a traitor all along, beings so nice to get her trust. Then he breaks it. The thought of it made Alicia girth her teeth in fury, all her life she was careful, yet why did she fall for something like so?

The female sighed and leaned on the wall which had Ali on the other side, she felt very insecure. Like being tricked by a simple-minded child, it all started with the simple naïve trust.

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