Chapter 8

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Ali's p.o.v.

we made it just in time, Komeng and his gang are about to raid the C-tech load, Alicia not in sight, thats bad right?

me and the others hid behind a crate nearby.

"Bakar secure the area, make sure to block all possible escape routes for them, Ali you go look for Alicia and make sure she doesn't engage in battle, she is far to ill to fight, understood?" we saluted as Agent Rizwan nodded at us before running off to chaos knows where.

"Ali, i think i see her" i glanced at his range of sight, all we saw was a person in black suit and yellow lining, plus they wore a rider's helmet with yellow hued glass protection, yep, thats her alright, thats the Masked Meddler.

"obviously, she's trying to keep a low prof from us finding her, Uncle i'll take care of Alicia, you go on start a ruckus" i stated out as he nodded and ran off down the crate we're on, i glanced to my left side and saw her aiming at one of Komeng's men, i just spun my yoyo till it resembles a blue shield and glanced around, no one realizes we're here yet, i threw my yoyo to a pipe nearby and used it to grapple myself towards it getting near them, as i stepped forward, i stepped on a twig making a snap sound, crud they heard me.

"ya hear that boys?"

"yeah, sounds like an intruder, it's those M.A.T.A. guys again huh?"

"best bet, come on and split up, we're gonna find em sooner or later before they ruin our raid tonight" i hid behind a nearby crate, damn that twig just had to be there of all places?

"Ali, attack!" i heard uncle Bakar yell as he lunged himself at a group of Komeng's men, they were equipt with those gloves that controls those drones, me and Alicia fought them before, so it's not gonna be hard to beat them with those mechs now.

"Ali watch out!" huh? i glanced up to see one of Komeng's men aiming his drone towards me, i was about to hit it with my yoyo blast till a green glowing bullet shot right past me and towards his hand, causing him to lose control of the drone he was controlling.

"thanks Alicia!" i already knew it was her who did that, it's her signature move to suddenly pop out of thin air and shoot green steel balls that explodes on impact depending on their usage, i dunno she has many of those stuff. I don't even know how she remembers the right type of bullet to use. But no matter.

I threw my yoyo at a group men and blasted them to another truck crate. This is getting fun.

"A little help Ali?" I turned to uncle as he had a few men on his back and they wont plan on getting off sooner or later. So i yelled at him to duck and hold ground as i yoyo blasted the goons away.

"Focus. Ali" i turned to see Alicia shooting at the goons behind me. She literally always has my back. Literally.

"Thanks Princess!" I laughed as she shot me a bullet that missed me by a centimeter. Yeah she hates that nickname so much but it's so fun to tease her.

"Call me that again. I'll have no hesitation to shoot you" i pouted. Really grumpy huh. I just went to yoyo blast other goons while some haven't been equipt by those drones yet. Uncle was guarding the crates to make sure the goons wont be getting more drones to use against us.

"Will you stupid agents stop meddling with us for god's sake?!" I laughed and spun my yoyo in a shield form while approaching the overly pissed Komeng. I love teasing people.

"Grrr stop laughing kid!" I only laughed more and smack him across the face with my yoyo blast that sent him to another crate.

"Neh neh neh neh neh you can't stop us neh neh" i laughed and teased. When he got up and chased me with his drone. I had no problem running away. This is fun. I missed this so much-- oof!

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