Chapter 19

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before i start.

thank you for all the support, so on next chapter, i will tell things about myself, you guys can ask me questions and i'll answer it on the upcoming chapters, ask me anything challenge!

just not too personal XD

i don't wanna do those tag me stuff so ask away and i'll tag someone to answer after like those stuff, anywho thanks for the support again, help me make this book a success!

hopefully i don't decide to hiatus...



Normal p.o.v.

Ali's eyes widened the size of dinner plates...

was he hearing things or did she just said what he thinks she said?

"w-what?" he stammered in disbelief, the female shook her head, a small blush forming on her cheeks, but not as bad at the tekno's.

"never mind, i said how about your family?, they like you for who you are, plus you have an uncle who cares for you, so what are you dramatic about?" the neuro agent replied casually, covering up her mishap, not like the boy would question further. she took a bite of her sandwich whilst patrolling the surroundings for misbehaving students, it's her job after all, to patrol every break they have. they aren't getting paid or anything, prefects just do their thing.

"but didn't you said--" the boy started up again, but was abruptly cut off mid sentence by the female raising a hand to halt him.

"what did i say? all i said is "how about your family?, they like you for who you are, plus you have an uncle who cares for you, so what are you dramatic about?" and nothing else, whats wrong?" the female continued her work as the boy just stared at her for a few seconds before shaking his thoughts away.

"nothing.. i must be hearing things" the boy replied, but he was sure he heard something else, he heard what she said, or maybe she didn't really say anything likewise to the said topic, he should clean his ears of get a hearing check up. he doesn't know which ever is true but nonetheless, he should push it to the back of his head in the meantime.

"Ali, how did you answer the questions knowing you weren't listening?" the two teens glanced towards a student, Sasi. whom slammed his palm onto the table in a startling manner, his aura demanding answers.

"i did my assignment didn't i?" the tekno stammered, he started to ignore Sasi and ate his lunch, but this certain student still thinks something is rather off from these two.

everyone knows Ali and Alicia are sworn enemies, how come Ali isn't seated with Viktor as usual? and why is he casually conversing with Alicia? 'casually' rather than arguing or bickering with each other. it got him quite curious and suspicious about the matter.

"how 'bout you Alicia? still hasn't confessed the true reasons why you always get the top position when it comes to grades?" here we go again, guess Alicia was wrong, the topic still wasn't forgotten yet.

"i have nothing to confess Sasi, kindly leave our table before i count this as abrupt confrontations?" Alicia threatened in a nice way, she wasn't in the mood, especially about that topic again. but why of all people, it has to be Sasidaran?

"really now? are you seriously using your authority as head of prefects to repel me? isn't that very low of you to do so?" he snickered as the female tried to restrain herself from attacking the boy, she knows, with her mastered skills, she might even send the boy to the hospital, but she wants to show Ali that she'll be kinder to people. plus, her father wouldn't be too happy of her acts if she did. so she did what most people do.

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