Chapter 3

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Alicia's P.O.V.

As expected, Ali hasn't done the Clean-The-Library punishment. The books are a complete mess, they are not arranged according to their proper category as I have expected, sigh.

"Viktor!!!~" I sighed as my only friend, Mia, is head over heels over Viktor, again...

Yet I was used to it, I have no ability to decipher or change one's perspective after all. As long as she doesn't become a hindrance to me, there shouldn't be a problem.

"Good luck on P.E. Viktor!! I'll always cheer for you!!!" I rolled my eyes and strides towards them, as usual, Ali is trailing behind him. I don't know if I'm cursed, being forced to see him every other chance we get... Maybe it's fate? Since I have long been tied to him ever since he stumbled upon M.A.T.A.

"Tch, enough chatting, we'll be late for class." I picked up my books and walked out of the library. I don't use the internet to do my home works, I think it's a bunch of fraud information. If I want to have the real legitimate answers to my questions, then the library has just what I need. Students rarely come and visit the library, I bet only me and Mia hang around here-- or maybe only me since she just follows me around blandly. Remember, the best way to find legitimate information is by searching for them through printed means like books. Because they are published for a reason, and that reason provides legitimate information.

"But Alicia, the bell hasn't rung yet." sighing, I know she would prefer to spend time with Viktor as much as possible, unless he isn't here, she clings right behind me, not that I complain too much about it. I just want to get out of here and stay a good distance away from the weak agent, which in my perspective, is averagely weak.

"Eheh, you know Mia? I think I want to get to class early right now." Viktor sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. And I could only guess what happens next....

"Really?? me too! Let's go together!!" she dragged Viktor out the library-- rather loudly as the librarian shushed them as they left. Great, now I'm left with this pipsqueak...

"Alicia? " I sighed, I won't be escaping this, this time, do I? I never had a single day, a single moment where he remains quiet when we are together in one area.

"What." I snapped rather harshly, he flinched but he's used to it, or rather, I was. I do this all the time...

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