Chapter 25

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before i start this chapter, i just wanna say thank you to everyone who supported me.

and i want to start a new book called Ejen Ali One-Shots. it's where you can request any ships or suggest funny things and i'll write them for you, instant shout out when i do your request. though i haven't started it yet. i just wanna know if you're all interested in it, we could so so much things and make funny jokes. 

i might reconsider adding swearing words ;)

tell me in the comments if it's a good idea!

And updates may change depending if i have time. Especially. Classes start at june 17. I have 9 hours of classess plus i'm about to start 10th grade. The last year of junior highschool. Then i'll be stuck in senior. Know what  that mean?

No regular updates 😢😢😢
Possibility of HIATUS 😱😱😱
And monthly updates 😲😲😲


Normal p.o.v.


Students cheered and rushed inside the facility, everywhere is so technologically advanced! especially the 10D simulator, tired of 7D and 3D huh?

there are drones moving all over the place, being chased by students or just interacting with them, some robots even performed tricks to those kids whom seemed so fond of their creation. some of the exhibit displays so many forms of technology, like how messages are passed from one device to another, or how one email gets sent through the internet and towards the recipient, or even how HTML really works. 

one part of the exhibit teaches students how to program things in a computer, and how to make websites. -don't use this information to make websites and scam people- while some teaches how to get rid of viruses and set up firewalls. there are even bots that talks to students like a normal person would, A.I. bots.

everything related to technology and computer science is shown in the area, and some were from the exhibit Dr. Mala once shown.

there are tons of stuff to do in this place, it makes it more fun since technology is so awesome and you just wanna catch that drone that you have been chasing for minutes by now.

Dr. Ghazali was preparing for his speech on stage, with Ali and Alicia close behind, asking questions like how a normal student would. they still have to get close to him as possible.

"so curious. well you can install a defender to attack a hacker and use another type of defender to counter hack him in place, that way he would be caught in the act. plus a firewall will prevent him from accessing any file from the computer." Dr. Ghazali explained, Alicia had been asking questions about computers, even though she's already a highly trained hacker and knows all this stuff. or she might even know more things than Dr. Ghazali. but she has to pretend to be a clueless student who is curious to finding out whatever.

"but did you know that the hacker can also input a virus that keeps the defenders in place while he escapes through routes and counter hack while disguising as a regular program in the system?" Alicia smiled as the man placed a finger under his chin in thought.

"you're right, how did i not know that? well let's say, a teacher learned something new from a student" the man bursts into laughter as Alicia merely smiled. the man was humorous.

"stop being all brains Alice, you're still dumb even if you know all of this info" Ali laughed as Alicia merely glared at him and crossed her arms in response, Ali sure knows that Allen likes to annoy Alice, why not stay in character while having fun?

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