Chapter 40

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yeah if i have any mistakes, kindly point them out, i think i wrote the wrong chapter number..



I already wrote this before but damned wattpad deleted it >:( it was hard to rewrite everything I wrote, hopefully I wrote it correctly, I don't know, I got pretty lazy.




Their attention shifted from each other and onto the boy Viktor punched across the face on, Ali was slowly standing back to his feet, his left hand covering his left eye as he uttered a small deep laugh that got everyone unease.

But the main thing they noticed.

IRIS... was broken...

What else is bad? It's for the fact that Ali's dark laughter became louder and louder as time goes on, to the point he removed his glasses known as 'IRIS' and threw them aside, his eyes weren't pearl black anymore, but rather...

Electric blue....

End Of Flashback~

Normal p.o.v


No one uttered a sound, aside from Ali's occasional chuckling as he lifted his head up to meet the two pairs of shocked ones, his electric eyes seemed to glow a dark unease atmosphere in the darkness of the early morning's break. Both Alicia and Viktor were exhausted from the battle earlier, yet they have to stand, Alicia motioned Mia to get backup from Bakar and Khai, they need everyone's help as much as they can right about now.

"What's wrong? Why are you so frightened? ~" his raspy smooth voice rang their ears, the tensed atmosphere continued to grow heavier, and heavier—it was unbreathable!

Cautious, they took a few steps back, Alicia getting on a stance, with Viktor struggling back to his feet, beads of sweat trickled down their foreheads. As Ali didn't even need to take deep breathes, yet his electric blue eyes weren't the ones that Alicia and Viktor could longer recognize...

Ali was a different person—no. it's a different person...

"Why are you two moving away? ~ don't you guys miss me? ~" a smile was plastered on the agent's face, yet it wasn't a cocky nor sincere one.

It was a broken one.

For the first time, Alicia felt all her joints tensed, the hair on her nape stood in unease, Viktor was quick to act and took her hand in his, in attempts to ease her nerves, which Ali gave a frown, and started casually walking towards them. Not really amused.

"Heh... I never knew my 'best friend' could steal the only girl I cared about, how pathetic of you. Quatro." Ali emphasized the word 'Quatro' in his voice, his tongue spitting venom from the tone he used.

Yet before the two sane teens could react, the ground started shaking, two mechs buster droids began stomping their way towards the three, and they were under the influence of IRIS. Both Alicia and Viktor's eyes widened as the two droids held up both Khai and Bakar in their grasps, both unconscious and beaten. (I will refer to Ali as IRIS from now on) although Mia was nowhere to be seen which made a small part of Alicia glad about that, yet for the fact that everyone is stuck in IRIS' grasp... what can they do?

Viktor had a deep scowl on his features, this definitely isn't what he wants to happen.

In a swift movement, Alicia was pushed back while Viktor dashed towards IRIS, yet IRIS is far too agile and dodged along with spinning his yoyo and smashing it against his 'friend'. Upon dodging once more, Viktor managed to draw IRIS away enough to allow Alicia to shoot the mechs till they malfunctioned and released the two agents, but still, where's Mia?

{COMPLETED} The More You Hate, The More You Love {Ejen Ali Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now