Chapter 24

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somewhat longer than usual.

have no other ideas to write meh.


Normal p.o.v.

In the city of Cyberaja, the three pioneers that started it all. in their corresponding towers had produced the most magnificent forms of technology ever existed and still developing and evolving into the new era of Cyberaja. Alpha tower. Beta tower. and Gamma tower.

people would crown train stations and buss stops to get into their respective jobs and careers. people needs to make a living in order to keep up with the evolution of technology. hence on the outskirts of the city lies poverty, devastation. and lack of hope.

people starve and steal, beg on their knees for alms. unable to produce a living and afford a small cellphone. they are the ones excluded from the luxury of living in Cyberaja.

of course... no one can see that. because they are too blinded by their wealth, and luxurious lifestyle full of gadgets and everything they want as they please to.

this is Cyberaja as we speak of. there is no middle nor averaged life among the people here. there is only the wealthiest and the ones who suffers in poverty.

but today, Dr. Ghazali of computer engineering and electronics. the Father of Ali as we speak of. will do his best to change all that.

everyone deserves to be helped. everyone deserves a sustained life. no one deserves devastation and poverty. he believes. no one is destined to perish in starvation. no one deserves to live without education. and no child is destined to be a thief.

the thought of that boy. that little boy whom steal for a living. that little boy whom stole Dr. Ghazali's wallet 10 years ago. his vision of the city all changed. he then realized. it was clear. advanced technology isn't what  the people of Cyberaja needs. what they really need. is to focus on humanity, to save the lives of people whom beg for alms. to educate those children who steal just to live the next morning. to wipe those tears that stream down the children's cheeks upon hearing those lucid heartbreaking screams. of people who perished for their loved ones.

that is what they need. not technology. not advanced gadgets. they need help. aid. and assistance.

Dr. Ghazali was gonna dedicate his life to those poor people. and he will do it. with or without the people's support.

"Attention citizens. The train to the Gamma tower will arrive in 5 minutes. please insert your tickets on the machine to enter the subway train" the speakers went off as the sentence repeated. Dr. Ghazali was waiting for that train's arrival. nervously glancing at his watch. he was excited but he definitely doesn't wanna be late. he had to drop his work at the Gamma tower first, then escort the students to the science center.

he has a pretty busy schedule. did he insert lunch in his schedule? guess not. 

unknown to him however. Ali and Alicia were sneaking to the subway. they had to follow Dr. Ghazali without being spotted, and Ali made sure that Viktor wont call him this time. he doesn't want to fall off the train and get rescued by Alicia again. no more of that.

"he's on the train. let's go Ali" the neuro female inserted her ticket on the machine as the two small barriers of it slipped open for her to enter, Ali did the same, they were wearing a new kind of uniform, if they want to be unnoticed, they have to pretend to be a regular student in the school Dr. Ghazali is touring with. Techno Academy. as much as they hated it, they have to wear their complicated uniform.

Alicia wore a knee lengthed maroon red checkered skirt with purple linings across it. matching with a long sleeved cream white blouse and a dark maroon colored button up vest that had a school's logo on the left side. and a dark purple neck tie to complete the uniform along with dark purple socks and her usual school shoes. her headband was replaced by a purple one, Jenny said they have to blend the colors, and Alicia doesn't like this color scheme.

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