Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

Hello Dear!

I have been out for a while, my deepest apologies for that.

I got an offer from another writing platform that they would pay me to write a story, so I have to focus on that further. You can read my story there and support me! (Cause' I think I get paid depending on how many reads I get.)

The title of my new novel is "Her Pride Belongs to the CEO" and you could guess how the story goes, it's about a girl, spoiled rotten, thinking she owns the world and everyone where she can just stand on anyone she likes. But due to a tragic accident she has no choice but to stoop low and work for the tyrant CEO, whom was actually one of the victims she used to assault and bully during school, the boy reigned to take revenge on the girl. But in the end, is that what he really wants? Does he only feel the urge of revenge or love?

The book is free to read (last time I checked)

You can read the book at "" where I will write it, and P.S. I don't know if it's a paid story or for free but today it's free (only the prologue is there for now and a temporary cover I made) If you are interested then chat me and I'll help you find the novel, it's NOT an Ejen Ali fanfiction sadly, but it's my first professional creation, please support if you have the chance 😊

Any who. Back to business! Don't worry, I will still write Ejen Ali but my new novel is my priority for now.

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Normal P.O.V.

"Do you think they'll be okay?" The timid inviso asked as the duo were now scouting their ways across the halls in hope of finding an Ally, Chris completely was cut of in connection. But knowing him, he might be in a better position that anyone else.

"They are all M.A.T.A. Agents, you know none of them are normal Agents at all. Whatever happens to them, it's nothing that they can't pass thru. And besides. We have each other, just try not to get out of arm's length away from me." Alicia muttered with a smile, though Moon kept her arms around the older female's arms as some kind of life support and assurance.

"To be honest, Ali is the most crucial one and we need to find him A.S.A.P. before I.R.I.S. takes over him. It will be hard to activate I.R.I.S. ATLAS if that occurs." She sighed, she was getting tired from walking though so many hallways, but resting is not an option unless you want to be devoured by the predators. Especially with Moon in such a timid state, there's no way Moon can properly generate her holographic copies to protect her.

"Alicia, I think I felt someone ran behind us." Moon glanced behind herself, as if the cold atmosphere of the dull hallways weren't enough to literally freeze her in fright. Yet upon seeing the figure's color and body figure, Alicia could only guess one thing.

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