Chapter 31 + Joining Watty's 2019

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guys guess what!!

guys guess what!!

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yes! you see it! i entered the WATTY'S 2019 AWARDS! be sure to support me!

i just saw that the book was eligible to enter so i did, i promise to update very frequent from now on, please support me my beloved friends! thank you for still staying!!

and my one friend whom knows very well on when i'll update XD they said i'll update in a few hours, how did they know?? hahaha you guys are awesome!! support me on my way to watty's 2019 in fanfiction category!!


Normal P.O.V.

Silence took over the whole control room as Jenny stood by the sidelines, deciding whether to intervene or rather to call someone to stop the two boys, but then again, it was like 2 in the morning, no one but them is in the area.

"bring it on, unless you're a coward, then you can back out right now and hand over IRIS." Quatro gave a cocky smirk, his frontal lobe still covered with a mask, but only the top half of his face down to his nose, his pearl white teeth glinting in mischief.

Ali could only give him a snarling look and gets on a better stance, yoyo ready and aero shoes glowing and ready to boost him towards the 'intruder'. 

"why should i give IRIS? i'd prefer to personally hand it over to Uno than surrendering it to someone like you!" Ali gave out a yell and boosted himself towards his foe, yoyo shield spinning in a rapid rate, Quatro easily dodged it with a slide to the left and reaching to his bow and arrows, shooting multiple times at a rapid rate, Ali could've thought that he's facing against Alicia's sharp shooting, but this time, he was ready.

using a new feature that Jenny made on his yoyo, the titanium string drawn back inside the yoyo as it made a clicking sound, the sides of it glowing as Ali threw it towards Quatro, as expected, Quatro dodged, yet without him knowing, the yoyo was in magnetic bounce mode as the item bounced off the wall and shot his back, a click sound came after as it released a blast wave that pushed Quatro a few meters away, the yoyo itself magnetically bounced back onto it's holder's hand, Quatro gave out a growl and shot multiple tiny arrows towards the tekno agent whom easily deflected it with his yoyo shield, knowing the process would get tedious after a few moments, hence Ali used IRIS to counter every attack and even send the arrows back towards the darker male, twice the speed made it harder and harder to dodge. 

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