Chapter 4

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Alicia's p.o.v.

Sometimes i admit. i may always lost temper and throw tantrums at Ali. He's dumb. He's careless. He's stupid. He's hopeless. If i continue, i may not finish actually i'll take forever to finish. But i admit. If you get to know him... he's nice. Always rushing to help other people before thinking. Bakar said he inherited that trait from his mother... at least... Ali knows who his mother is.... me? I dont know who my mother is. How she looked like. Where she is now. Or did she even loved me? Did she loved father? I have tons of questions about my family and history. I don't even know if i have relatives...

"Alicia. Come on, let's go back to class. It's about to rain" Mia suggested as I only sighed and nodded. But i didn't feel like going to class at all. After what Ali did to humiliate me back at the gym. Never mind. Maybe thats why his mother left him, he's too prideful of his pathetic self, i bet his mother was happy that she wont be dealing with an over arrogant weakling like him... like i care..

"You go on ahead. Ill do some rounds" she nodded and went back to class. I just went to the cafeteria and started my duty rather early. It's better giving punishments as a prefect than suffering with an hour with an incompetent idiot...

"Stop" i stated in a strict way as i approached the usual trouble makers who thinks they could skip class...

"But he started it!" Once again. Syed and shaun causing another ruckus and complaining about Ali's clumsiness. Heh. I shouldn't be surprised by now. I'd even join them...

"Syed. Shaun. If you two don't get back to class. You're getting the worst punishment in your pathetic lives" i snapped as they just laughed. Huh normally people will be scared of me by now?

"Why should we follow ya. Ms. 'I-am-so-perfect'. You even made a wrong throw angle hahaha AND beaten by Boy?! The idiot of the class?? Hahaha!"

The pen in my hand snapped. Ali. Look what you did to my image. I hate you so much

"I am still the head of prefects. And i suggest you listen. Or i'm having ms. Puah deal with you" i threatened but they weren't fazed at all.

"Aww are you gonna cry ms. Kheng? Thats so sad. You're just all brains. No guts to even admit your wrongs" Syed laughed as i glared at them.

"Shut it! You think i was the one who caused that collision?! And you believed that idiot you hated also?! I wont stand up to something I. DIDN'T. CAUSE!" I shouted. I could feel something running down my cheek.

This is the first time this happened again. For me to cry. The last time i cried was when i almost died in the chemical reactor three years ago. This sucks. Now i'm showing weakness. In front of these idiots of all people!

"See? She's crying. Not so tough and all high now eh ms. Kheng? You're just all bark and no bite" they only laughed more. I just pushed them away and ran off. Who are they to laugh at me?!

"Be careful baby girl. You might catch a cold if ya keep runnin in the rain! Hhahahaha!" I could hear them laugh of shaun's bicker. Ha... i'll show em...

Ali's p.o.v.

Geez where is she? I've been looking everywhere-- not literally just in the usual places where she can be found. But nothing. I was about to check the last place she goes to. The cafeteria. But i was caught by a random prefect girl. I wish it was Alicia who caught me instead...

"Ali Bin Ghazali. Please go back to your class or i'm going to report you" she threatened as i sighed. I can't argue with a prefect...

"Fine fine i'll go. But one question. Do you know where's your head??" She quirked at started laughing. Was it something i said?

"Of course i know. My head is right here. Attatched to my neck and my body. Obviously if i don't have a head then i'm not supposed to be here scolding you right now" i face palmed. Thats not what i meant

"No. I meant. Do you know wheres the head of the prefects?" I asked. Clearly.

"Ms. Alicia? You mean. Ms. 'I-can't-aim-a-ball-correctly-and-denies-my-fault'?" Huh? What is she talking about?

"Uhh hey! Aren't you supposed to respect your head of prefect? And why make that such a big deal" i crossed my arms as she rolled her eyes.

"You know what kid. Run along and get to class or someone might thought your a 10- year old elementary roaming around" she laughed and started to walk away. She didn't even answer my question!

"I am 15! Not 10!!" I scoffed and stomped back to class. And got scolded by ms. Puah for 'attempting' to 'skip' classes...

"I was looking for Alicia mam. I wanted to apologise" she laughed before giving me a stern look

"why? Didn't you humiliate her two hours ago? Stop putting up the good boy act. If you want to be a good boy then study!" I just slumped over my seat sighing. She wasn't in her seat. But her bag is still here. That means she hasn't left school. Did M.A.T.A. call? Nah. If they did then i'll receive the signal too... is she on prefect duty? If so then where is she? My most bet is the cafeteria. It's the only place i haven't checked anyways.

Then again. The cafeteria leads to the school garden. There's an exit there that only me and Alicia know. We use it whenever we need to meet up with uncle Bakar. Did she ran off using that exit? Nah maybe not. The rain is pretty heavy today. And i didn't even bring my umbrella.

It's my karma huh. Welph. I deserved it anyways. But seriously though. Where is she. The news about what happened spreaded so fast. Almost everyone knows about it. The worst part is. They all mock her about it. I really ruined her reputation. They think that she's an all bark no bite now. But the news will die down sooner or later. It happens to every gossip. She'll forget about it after i apologise. But before that. I gotta find her first. And prove that it was me who's wrong. I don't care if i get bullied more or get hurt from it. As long as it would no longer affect her. I'll be more than happy. It was all my fault after all. I gotta make it up to her. She doesn't deserve the discrimination she's receiving right now.

'I'll fix this Alicia. I promise. And i'm sorry..' i thought as my mind went back to listening to ms. Puah's science lesson...

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