Chapter 12

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well new question : if you were Ali in this story, would you be this diligent to serve someone who 'hates' you?

and yeah someone asked me what pillar i'm in, i'd say, i'll be a neuro, why? because i always wanted to shout "DEY!" in front of agents without being scolded xD


Ali's p.o.v.

phew, that was a close one, Alicia really knows how to sneak past lies, i thought i had it that time.

i just finished washing the dishes and made sure theres no mess left, or i'm finished like she said, she seemed nice to me today, thats good, i don't wanna continue the rivalry we have, it's annoying, besides she proved she's better, doesn't that mean we should end this? gah never mind i still have work to do.

"Comot? where are you?" i called out and went to the living room, Alicia is no longer here, must be outside or in her room, ugh where's that kitty, she always disappears on me.

"Comot? oh Comot? where are you?" i went outside, she should be around here somewhere, she wasn't in the house.

"meow?" i looked around, i can't find her, god where is she?

"Comot come out already, i know you hate baths but come on, don't make this harder for the both of us!" i sighed, guess we have to play hide and seek, again.

"Ali, what's with all the noise?" i glanced up, Alicia was there on the balcony of her room, wait, her room had a balcony? cool!

"oh hey Alicia, i'm looking for Comot, she needs a bath" i looked around, i heard her but can't find her, ugh why does she have this camouflage fur thingy?!

"Comot? why are you looking for her, she's right on top of your big head" wait what?

i reached a hand on my head, she really is there! why didn't i felt her weight on my head??

"aww come on Comot, get off of my head, it's bath time!" i reached for her but she jumped off my head and into a tree branch, great, not only we had to play hide and seek, we also have to play tag? great, just great.

normal p.o.v.

The female neuro smiled as she leaned on her balcony's railings, watching the young tekno chasing the white feline around, it amuses her, Ali never really learns on how to outsmart a cat, if he managed to outsmart Dos before, why couldn't he outsmart a mammal? it's amusing for her part.

She sighed, the boy is hopeless as he already is, the female took out her Blastique and a certain blue steel ball, that should do the trick.

"Comot! stop running!!" she heard the boy yell as she sighed once again and went to the balcony, the boy was running on her yard, while the cat was running from tree to tree, she got annoyed of it.

"Ali Ghazali, i swear to M.A.T.A.. if you ruin a plant over there.. i'll turn you into one" she mumbled to herself and aimed at the feline, luckily the inviso cat hasn't noticed a thing as she shot the bullet on the ground beneath the tree, the bullet blinked four times before it let out a magnetic field that entrapped the feline onto that spot, rendering her movements immobile, the cat could only hiss at the neuro's direction.

The tekno however, smiled and gave a thumbs up towards the neuro female's direction. "thanks a lot Alicia!" he shouted as he picked the cat up, the bullet having been disabled, and the cat now secured into the tekno boy's arms. much to her dismay, she couldn't seem to squirm herself free, making the neuro smile back at the duo, what would they do without her.

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