Chapter 16

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Normal p.o.v.

back in the M.A.T.A. safe house,  everyone was quiet. especially Alicia. 

Jenny had been running tests on Ali's condition for the past four hours already, so far he was stable, but a certain neuro agent wasn't, she was pacing back and forth in a tensed manner on her bunker room, where she can stay for the moment, she wasn't willing to leave Ali's side, even though her father, the General, kept on ordering her to go back home in Cyberaja and get some rest, it was 2 A.M. in the morning by then, the poor neuro hasn't taken even a second of blinking, she was too tensed, she knew it was her fault why Ali acted like that, and her fault why Ali had to take the shots for her, it's her fault she didn't listen, but Ali was right before, sometimes we have to disobey orders in order to do what we know is right, but sometimes we have to listen, for the sake of others.

but she didn't.

her conscience wasn't helping in drowning her in guilt, she continued pacing back and forth in her room, for the thousandth time already, she relentlessly glanced at her wall clock, it was exactly four hours now, 2 in the morning. but she couldn't rest, she still has a lot going on in her little head.

"Alicia?" the female nearly snapped her neck at how fast she whipped her head to face Rizwan, whom looked just as exhausted as she was.

"whats the status Agent Rizwan, is he ok?! was the injury too severe?!" Alicia fired her worrywart questions all in one breath. Rizwan was taken aback, not really expecting the female to be this tensed. normally it's the other way around, Ali was supposed to be worried about her, not the other way around, it's really odd, Rizwan was left bewildered but snapped out of his trance and gave Alicia a signature chocolate flavored lollipop. making the female just stare at it in confusion.

"wha..?" she muttered, thats not the answered she needed, Rizwan laughed and just handed her the candy.

"you're too tensed, calm down for a second. Ali is stable, he'll be fine, just needs some rest, you on the other hand, either rest or i'm tucking you in bed beside Ali" the exhausted agent smirked as the neuro female turned red at his last statement, the female couldn't even imagine seeing herself asleep beside the boy, but damn Rizwan is going all out on this.

"I-I think i'll sleep here just fine Agent Rizwan, and it's not like that. i'm just worried" the female tried hiding her blush, but it failed to be kept from the smirking adult, whom merely laughed at her.

"it's getting pretty late, now get some sleep, or i'm really considering the option of tucking you in with him, besides, didn't Ali said he liked sleeping with someone beside him? Comot isn't around right now, maybe you want to replace her for the night?" he snickered as the female turned into a bright tomato, making the adult laugh louder at this, the female looks so adorable vulnerable right now.

but remember, she is the General's Daughter..

"fine, fine! i'm leaving!" the male immediately left the moment he saw the female pull out her Blastique and bullets, he does not want to start another spar with the female, he's already exhausted, plus he better keep his mouth shut, she's still the general's daughter, she can tell the general ANYTHING she wants that can break him to pieces. and he is to respect her as always, he knows how much she hate these lovey dovey stuff, she despises them actually, but the blushing literally betrayed her pride.

the female just tried calming herself down from blushing. she literally made a self reminder to get revenge on Rizwan for that, but better things come first, Ali.

she reminds herself that he'll be ok, as Rizwan said, he was STABLE.

and she needs to rest.

sighing, the female just layed down on her bed and stared at the ceiling, she reminisced the time when she insulted Ali at the rink, she didn't mean it, she meant to tease him but not to the point it would hurt him. the boy never really showed signs of being hurt, but seriously...

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