Chapter 29

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happy belated independence day my fellow Filipino friends! mabuhay ang mga kababayang pilipino! happy independence day!!

and no more heartbreak ^^ i guess i was being too dramatic over nothing, he has his own life and can do whatever he wants so i don't have rights to control him, and besides, he still loves meh anyways :3 love him too.

or maybe it's because i'm just as tsundere as Alicia? i hit harder than her lols. my poor Ali. but hate it when he's always right hmp!


Normal p.o.v.

hours pass by at Alicia's place, they both agreed on a deal, Alicia will cook for today, pretending Ali did, in exchange, Ali is not allowed to make fun of her nor act all egoistical for a few days, much to his dismay, he'll do the classroom cleaning duty for a week.

right now, he wished he just used IRIS, but then again, if the General finds out he's 'misusing' IRIS again, he'll never hear the end of it, best to deal with only one Kheng, and not father and daughter.

"hurry up already! Viktor might come any minute!" Ali's whining will cause the neuro to snap at him, but to her, she's taking her sweet time making the meals, looks fun to tease the boy every once in a while, at least he could feel how she feels.

"be patient, or i'll feed you raw chicken" she merely rolled her eyes and continued her cooking, as much as the boy wants her to hurry up and toss them in the table ready to be devoured, he rather keep quiet, unless she wants to reveal his lies to his best friend.

speaking of his best friend.

soft knocking was heard at Alicia's front door, by that time, Alicia was placing her cooking on dinner plates, Ali quickly snatched Alicia's apron and even splattered a few ingredient mess on him, just to make it look like he was really cooking and made a small mess on himself, at least it was convincable?

"wait a sec!" Ali nearly tripped on his way, thanks to clumsiness but was able to reach the door, Comot following behind as usual, the tekno agent regained his composure and opened the door, smiling as he saw his best friend waving at him, wearing his usual yellow and green sweater, and tablet in hand.

"hey Ali, whoa must have had a hardcore time in the kitchen huh. or did you roll on condiments?" Viktor joked and went in, Ali nervously rubbing the back of his neck and gave out a slight chuckle, following Viktor into the kitchen, well the boy took his time looking around the place, it was neat. and of course, strictly clean, well only Ali is the one looking dirty in the house, he's like a sore thumb or even a black dot in a clear white board. which in fact, it literally is.

the kitchen was already clean by the time Viktor entered the kitchen area. Alicia managed to change her clothes in such a short period of time. since she has a few stains on her old outfit, right now she wore her usual black leggings and a yellow sweatshirt with green linings and designs, he remembered it was one of Agent Geetha's gifts a year ago during her birthday. Ali got the same, only different colors. 

"nice place you got here, very clean unlike Ali's." he snickered, leaving Ali to complain again, Alicia just thanked him and sat on her place on the table, Ali sitting on a vacant beside her, and Viktor across them, he was awing at the meals displayed in front of him, it wasn't a feast but there were a few yummy variety, even Ali was surprised on how it turned out, he has to ask Alicia to teach him, maybe he could give his dad a proper meal for once instead of sandwiches and coffee.

He even wondered why Alicia never makes her own packed lunch at school, she can cook like a master. or is it another perk of learning under Geetha? he silently asked himself on how else can she surprise him?

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