Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Hello dears!

Dear friends, I am so sorry to have wrote this so late, perhaps I need to keep up with my work especially at school, thank you again WE@K_G@MER for the Layla's S.A.B.E.R. Breacher skin! I love it!

now, I shall sleep.



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Normal P.O.V.

"He should've reconsidered." Rizwan mumbled annoyed, walking through the halls with his usual lollipop by the left side of his tan lips. Bakar following right behind him, unamused so to say.

"At least you got the vacation you have been blabbering about for two days." Bakar then took the lead towards the elevator that would take them to the school's library.

On their way inside, the elevator doors shut, a somewhat comfortable silence was cursed down between the two adults, whilst Bakar just enjoyed his burger in contempt like he always would.

"What do you think?" the focused adult shifted his gaze from the elevator doors and onto the other male beside him, his arms positioned whilst folded on his chest in a carefree like manner, though it confused him.

"Think what?" he asked, Bakar firstly finished his half-burger left in one big bite and dusted his hands free from the crumbs. Chewing rather fast and quickly swallowed his meal.

"About Viktor, what do you think of the boy? Do you think that he really turned against the Numeroz?" he questioned, though Rizwan did not answer, things still clouded his mind, PS. Not the vacation but rather about what's happening, Viktor's betrayal of the Numeroz will only lead to one thing, and that is, the Numeroz will fight back, a stronger comeback, the ones where they will have a hard time in controlling the situation, and much worse. IRIS.

"I have seen that boy around two years ago, he seems to be an ordinary school boy with high marks and is a close acquaintance to Ali and Alicia, and he was the one who would encourage Ali whenever he needs to. He is the type of person that you would want to befriend with. It depends if he will be the person we want him to be as of now." He discussed as the elevator doors now slid open, both males took slow steps in going out of the said library, upon leaving, the nanobots already digitalized their clothing and switched it with their disguises when at school grounds.

Bakar as usual, the janitor whom pretends to clean the floors on his way out, then Rizwan followed suit, wearing a security's outfit, it's what he mostly uses to roam around the school grounds and spy on Ali and Alicia whenever Agent Karya could not. Thus it isn't the situation as of now. They need to look for a certain someone and keep an eye on the school grounds, knowing things might happen which are not supposed to, but who knows?

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