Chapter 39...

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Dayum you guys are so hungry for drama, I'm BACK LIL AGENTS!

And yeah, there's no school today cuz' of the rain yay! I have time to write!!

my mind : you know, you should really go back into memorizing your script right? The presentation is like, TOMORROW

Me : just shut up and help me write a chapter, it's not like my 60% grade depends on it

My mind : uh yes it does, plus aren't you supposed to, idk represent your class?!

Me : who says I'll actually do it :D I can absent!

my mind : =W= you're letting your section lose

Me : leave it to my partner :DD

My mind : *face palm*

me : just help me write a chapter already you stupid heaps of pink gooey stuff!!


Alicia's P.O.V.


That's exactly what I have been doing these past hour, running all the way back to the harbour and to where the school was, the place was really far, but I didn't have a choice.

Override WILL kill him.

I couldn't let that happen, one mistake shouldn't lead to another.

"Out of the way please!" I yelled out and kept my feet thumping on the ground as I sped up, people were walking around the sidewalk as I abruptly rushed past them, I don't have any more time to lose.

"Argh!" I grunted as I collided onto something causing me to fall back. Upon holding my head and rubbing a sore area, I glanced on whatever nuisance did I ran into this time?

"A...Alicia?" I blinked a few times before regaining my vision back, it was Mia! Wait, why is she out here at this late at night? It's like 2 am already, she never stays up late..

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at home, sleeping right now?" I questioned and helped her up, still rubbing the sore area on my forehead, then I froze in spot, I'm still wearing my M.A.T.A. outfit! I'll be exposed!"

"Help me Alicia, I can't find Viktor! His mother is worried sick and—" that's the time the landed her eyes upon my attire, now I'm toast.

"Listen—it's not what it looks like please, let me explain—"I was abruptly cut off once again by her dragging me to some alley near the school, wait a minute! I'm supposed to get to HQ! Not chit chat with Mia!

"It's ok it's ok Alicia, I don't know what's going on but please help me, I don't care if you just came from a costume party or anything but you got to help me!" she sputtered out, which got me a bit bewildered at the same time relaxed, she doesn't know anything. But if I need to save both Ali and Viktor from Override mode, then she has to know.

"Mia, I'll help you, but you have to come with me, please don't freak out... ok?" she hesitantly nodded as I grabbed her wrist and ran towards the school library, along the way she kept protesting things onto why I won't slow down or typically what all says along the line, but regardless, I snuck inside the library with ease along with her and went to a certain isle of books.

"Be quiet" I instructed and scanned my handprint on the book, immediately the secret doors of an elevator opened on the centre isle, which got Mia to gasp in surprise, but regardless, I just dragged her all the way in it.

Normal P.O.V.

Mia can't help but look around in bewilderment around the facility she didn't know existed beneath the library all this time, but most of all, she wouldn't believe that the class head prefect, AND the best student in class, is actually a secret agent of an organization that began before the school has been built?! How awesome is that?! Her best friend an agent?! Cool!

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