Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

So far only 3 angels helped me UwU so I wrote this early just for them! Since they've been so kind, though I still need 87 more, please help! I'm serious right now! I promise if you guys help me complete this, I will update very often this summer. And who knows, finish the book before April ends.

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Normal P.O.V.

"It brings back memories, doesn't it?" Alicia stammered, they were once again standing at the ice rink, it was actually Ali's idea to go here since there weren't good movies that they like by the cinema, and Ali missed gliding on glass and decided to improve his balance. What better place to do so than the rink?

"Well, good things begin at unfortunate moments huh." Ali just scratched behind his neck while chuckling rather nervously, he didn't think about the memoirs it brought back when he decided to come here.

"But if you don't want it here then we can go somewhere else like the bowling alley—"Ali got cut off when Alicia and Viktor were already paying for the entrance fee.

"It doesn't really matter anymore Ali. We are already here. Let's just go." Alicia rolled her eyes and went off inside, Ali reluctantly just follows since what else can he do?

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"Err.... Alicia?" Viktor mumbled as they glided on the cold hardened glass known as ice, Alicia's usual green scarf naturally draped on her shoulder hence a piece of fabric she normally uses all the time.

"What is it?" She asked, having her hands behind her back as she poised upright and glided on the slippery platform, occasionally gliding on one foot.

"Ali wont step on the ice again" Viktor just laughed and skated off, leaving Alicia to sigh and glide back to where the boy is, of course she realized, the boy will forget how to skate sooner or later.

"I'm not dealing with you Ali, not anymore." She stated simply and skated off, she doesn't wanna do anymore babysitting duty when she is supposed to be out enjoying herself. The Tekno boy just pouted, so much for using that tip to have as an excuse to get close to Alicia.

Just when Ali was able to step on the ice and slowly gliding his way to the other two, Ali and Alicia's phone vibrated to life, the usual M.A.T.A. symbol background visible, which got them both to look at each other and nodded.

Alicia skated at fair speed out of the rink whilst Ali—fell down face first on the ice but hastily got up and out of the rink, Viktor followed suit, not really understanding what got the two so hyped to go out when it's only a few minutes they have been there.

"What's wrong?" Viktor asked as he managed to catch up, the two were already hastily taking off their skates, Alicia's expression shows clearly the statement. 'I don't have time to answer' Printed all over her face.

"M.A.T.A. needs us urgently, something must have happened." Ali then followed Alicia to the staircase where luckily, not much people were there on that part of the mall as the nano-particles allowed them to change into their M.A.T.A. attire while running down the staircase, Viktor only tapped on his wristwatch and allowed the nano-particles to change his outfit too along with his mini arrows and bow, it's something Rizwan gave him in case.

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