Chapter 14

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Alicia looks funny when clueless :p


Normal p.o.v.

Finally the neuro agent was able to calm the two enough to stop them from laughing, well almost, but she succeeded whatsoever, the poor tekno though, he was still blushing, which the neuro didn't minded, as long as the boy doesn't explode or do something they'll regret, the female was fine with it.

"so, shall we go skating?" the gamer nerd asked as the curly haired girl grabbed his arm and dragged him to the rink, we'll that's a nice way to answer his question huh, leaving the two agents on their own accord, the female merely rolled her eyes and glanced over at the tomato looking boy.

"Are you just gonna sit here and turn into a big cherry? or are you going to skate?" the female crossed her arms, awaiting for an answer, which the boy just shook his head to shake the embarrassment away and just stood-- almost tripping-- as the female just went to the entrance of the main rink, the boy just opened his bag, only a bit to let him see the feline's eyes, looking at him expectantly, of course the feline shivered, not liking the sudden chill from the ice rink, the young tekno just grabbed a small packet of fries from the paper bag Viktor had and slipped it inside his bag, wherein the feline started eating, it's what he could do, for now.

"stay here Comot, i'll be right back, don't go anywhere ok? stay." Ali instructed as the white feline meowed quietly before feasting on the fries the young boy gave, Ali closed the zipper of his bag before going in the rink, but before he placed a foot on the rink, he froze, it was freezing inside, and not only that.... he doesn't know how to skate.

he glanced over at his friends, Mia was skating, hand-in-hand with Viktor-- whom looked forced to do so-- as they skated around, Alicia however, was just following the two, slowly skating herself with ease, Ali got envious, they could skate without any trouble at all, why can't he?

Viktor spun Mia around as they skated, mainly because she wanted to do it, the gamer just did whatever made the girl happy, at least, on Alicia's side, she didn't seem to interest skating stunts at all, Ali even thought. 'She could do stunts that a champion figure skater can do' but the female didn't seem to do any, not even a simple skate on one foot, that stunt was told to be easy, cause Viktor and Mia were doing it, the female just skated around in a slow pace.

well Ali though...

he doesn't even know if he can stay on the ice without falling face first. but he had to try, besides, his training didn't improve itself if he hadn't tried. determined. the boy took a step forward attempting to at least skate forward.

"gah!" some people including Ali's friends, glanced at him, he was laying on the ice, as expected. face first on the ice, Viktor was about to skate towards him to ask if he was ok, but Alicia held a hand up to stop him, as she herself, skated towards the boy with ease, some people went back to their skating activities as the female took hold of Ali's arm and helped him up, she made the boy hold onto the guide railings on the side, securing her arms on the boy's other arm to make sure he wont fall again.

"What is wrong with you now, Ali?" the female asked with a hint of frustration and irritation, the female really can't leave the boy to do his activities without her being there to support him, which is irritating to the female, the boy whined for a while, must be from the painful impact on his face before facing the female whom still held him up, the boy didn't even realized, his god forsaken blush coming back to humiliate him, the female just raised a brow at it.

"s-sorry.... i never skated before, so i dunno how to" the boy smiled sheepishly, he would've scratched the back of his neck, if not both of his hands and arms were currently occupied. the female sighed desperately, she knew nothing goes right with the boy around. to the point she had to babysit him whether she likes it or not.

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