Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Ali's P.O.V.

Viktor and I went to the cafeteria, my cheek hurts so much... Alicia is really that mean to me huh...

"Don't mind it much Ali, it's how girls are, they are straightforwardly too honest and honored, they will justify what should be justified!" I groaned annoyed and face palmed...

"Viktooooor don't tell me you're on her side!!" he laughed and pats my back.

"I'm not siding anyone, I'm just stating facts, and forget it Ali, who knows? Maybe Alicia has 'other' intentions, eh? ~" I gagged at that, gross!

"Alicia having a crush on me? Ha! The only way for me to like her back is when I became the new Uno--!" I paused, covering my mouth, crap I just blurted it out!

"Uno? Who's Uno?" I smiled nervously and scratched the back of my neck.

"Uhm... NO ONE!! Hehe just a character from this show.... I watched?" I suck at lying, holy techno-logistics please help me!!

"Okie dokie, I mean I would've wanted to be the new character in detektive jebat too!!" I sighed in relief, he didn't realize, that's good...

Gee... I almost spilled the beans and blown my cover, general Rama always reminds me to not tell anyone that I'm an agent from M.A.T.A., nor tell anyone about M.A.T.A. at all! To be honest, the ordinary people here don't know that M.A.T.A. exists at all, only C-tech Company knows about it since they make gadgets and drones for us. Other than that, M.A.T.A. doesn't exist in books or in the web, we're super-secret, so he might kill me and take away iris if I accidentally spill the beans Hehe...

"Oh, here's our table, want me to buy you anything?" I set my bag down on our usual table as I shrugged...

"it's fine, you don't have to treat me every day, I'll buy my own snacks, ok?" he nodded and sat down playing his usual detektive jebat game on his tablet, did I ever mention that, in this school, you don't use books to study? We use tablets, every student here is equipped with at least one tablet to store assignments and online quizzes, high tech huh, but we have regular books at the library, who uses that place anyways? There's the internet and we have tablets in our bags, who needs books?

"Hey Ali? Can you buy me some banana cues? I want to beat the boss of jebat!" I just laughed and got up, he gave me some money as I went in the line, oh Viktor, always setting aside everything for his precious detektive jebat, he could marry that game, but other than that, he is a great friend. A really good one, he gives me advises that are surprisingly very helpful...

"Hey! Watch where you're going Ali!!" I looked up to see Sasidaran, weird name huh? But I call him Sasi, he usually mocks me for being stupid, he likes to annoy Viktor in proving he is smarter, show off, and why do I have to be a few inches shorter than everyone?

"Sorry Sasi, I didn't mean to!" I defended myself and ran to another line to avoid another scene of trouble, not today... not again please...

First Alicia, now Sasidaran?

Could this day get any more annoying?

Am I some kind of enemy magnet by any chance? Cause' people appear out of nowhere mainly to bother me.

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