Chapter 28

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not broken anymore!!


Alicia's p.o.v.

"but off to the other topic, how could you not tell me that you have a girlfriend?!"

"i don't have one! i swear!!"

I could only stifle a laugh, the father and son are now talking about-- wait no, arguing about this, bet Dr. Ghazali is talking about me huh?

"i can't believe you had your girlfriend to stay at my house without me knowing a thing!-- wait a minute, how did you get that General's daughter to be with you? does IRIS have a hypnotism feature like Agent Karya?? my god Ali! consider showering before hugging a girl!"

"daaad! she's not my girlfriend! i'm only 15!"

"you can get married at the age of 18!"

my god, what is with this household? well he's both right and wrong, you can get married that early once you passed your debut. and i am not Ali Bin Ghazali's soon to be betrothal, he could dream of it, but it wont happen, i'll make sure of it.

"Ali Ghazali! didn't i tell you to tell me everything on whats going on?! what else have you been hiding?!"

"dad, you're seriously angry that i have a girlfriend, but not angry that i'm always risking my butt everyday in missions?"

"ah! so you do admit that you have a girlfriend!"

"thats not what i meant!!"

"i'm sorry to break the wonderfully funny moment, but someone is trying to rest here, mind keeping it down?" I got annoyed and stated my facts, they both glanced at me looking nervous and shocked. i can guess why.

"isn't it rude to be talking about someone thats in the room as well?" I sat up, my arms crossed, it's amusing to see them so astonished and embarrassed, they surely are father and son, but it's annoying how people talk behind your back, not realizing you heard everything, not like i'm not used to it to be honest.

"oh Alicia, how are you feeling? does your head hurt?"

"how much have you heard?!"

well looks like Daddy Ghazali here would prefer to gain info than survey the victim. well at least Ali is still sensible enough.

so he isn't so much like his dad huh?

Normal p.o.v.

Dr. Ghazali got a bit insecure, he doesn't like it if people gains intel about confidential businesses. especially his business. Ali on the other hand, he's more concerned about the girl's well being, her head was bruised from the hit and impact, does it hurt?

"i'm fine Ali, and i heard everything Dr. Ghazali, but rest assured, no one else will find out." The female could only sit up straight and drinks her glass of water by the drawer stand beside her, Ali seemed relieved, although Dr. Ghazali, nervous as he'll ever be. but we all know, there's always a reason behind everything. right?

"so. i have a few questions for you, young lady, how long have you been dating my idiotic son? does he annoy you? does he take care of you during missions? just how arrogant is my son?"



A few days has passed ever since the encounter with Quatro, and Dr. Ghazali swore to never tell anyone about his son working with M.A.T.A. to be honest, he's actually proud, very proud that his son was just as successful as he is, just in a different way, either way they worked to serve the people of Cyberaja, but the topic about Ali's 'girlfriend' never seemed to pass, well thats the disadvantage of being an only child and an overprotective father.

"Ali, hand me that sodium bicarbonate" 

Ali snapped out of his thoughts and glanced beside him, Alicia was once again, his science lab partner, since Mia insisted on being with Viktor again, well at least now, he's willing to work with Alicia unlike before.

"Ali, i said hand me that sodium bicarbonate" 

"oh? sorry hehe, here" he sheepishly scratched the back of his neck then gave Alicia what she needed, making sure it was the right substance, he wouldn't want to try to destroy the whole school again.

"whats got in your head lately?" the neuro agent merely mixed the instructed substances in a small cylindrical container, Ali just watched her, making it look like as if he's doing something to not get beaten verbally by his fierce teacher.

"just some things... and this Quatro stuff is getting in my head" Ali merely sighed and continued writing results down, he has been improving in listening to instructions for sometime now.

"Quatro doesn't deserve our time of thought. just focus and think of other things, like me, didn't your father said, i am your soon to be betrothal?" The boy just rolled his eyes and stayed silent for now, he wouldn't want to talk about that, why does everyone talk about that nowadays? don't they have other things to worry about? well thats how our Ali thought things through..

"Continue this on Monday, everyone is dismissed!" Ms. Puah then left the room, students began cleaning things up and preparing to go out for lunch, thats when Viktor caught up with the duo.

"hey Ali, where were you last week? i thought we're playing a marathon?" He smiled widely, Ali has been disappearing in random places, mainly because of M.A.T.A. but of course Viktor doesn't know that.

"Alicia had to drag me to her place, she thinks my cooking is too awesome, she misses it." the boy smirked triumphantly. as the neuro agent merely rolled here eyes, not in the mood to bicker, Ali has been using her as scapegoat, and no longer Comot, much to her dismay, the cat deserves some break from the dummy of an IRIS agent. and Ali can't even cook without IRIS, not even fry an egg. and now he says all this lies? wonderful. lucky Alicia.

"oh, thats great to hear, can i come with you? i'd love to have a taste, if Alicia likes it, then it's gotta be good" Alicia could stifle a smirk, karma has it's perks, and this time, she ain't letting Ali have his paws on IRIS while making 'his signature delicacies'.

"i don't think Ali would mine making another meal for you" Alicia could only smirk triumphantly whilst Ali had a look on his face saying 'help me! you're my partner!' but who said Alicia has to bail him at every chance she has? this boi needs to learn to deal with his own mistakes.

"oh cool, i'll see you two in an hour, gotta change clothes first, i wouldn't want to be rude and visit with dirt on my shirt" Viktor winked at Alicia before grabbing his bag and walking out to his place, Ali could only watch in annoyance. 

"what?" Alicia asked innocently, she needs to teach him to deal with his own problems duh.

"really? couldn't you back me up?" Ali complained on their way to her place, of course, Ali has no choice but to do what he said or they'll get exposed, again!

"don't make up lies if you don't want karma to smack itself in your cheeky face" 

"you're not helping me Alicia!!"

"just shut up and get cooking"


sorry it's all i could give for today, no more heartbreak!, well the original was deleted by wattpad, dunno why so i had to summarize the whole chapter instead, thats why it's so short hehe

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