Chapter 7

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Ali's p.o.v.

I've been listening to ms. Puah for hours now, it's getting pretty boring, Sasi won't stop bugging Alicia for the past 2 hours, i'm surprised she still has the willpower to keep a straight face on...

"--and that's why Cats do not bark, now on to the monthly examination scores" Ms. Puah stated as Sasi smirked at Alicia, even Viktor was bothered that it wasn't him who Sasi bothers, but it also concerned us, no one ever bothers Alicia before, and all these is quite new, and shouldn't be happening, she lost all respect towards her-- well not everyone's respect, only the typical bully and trouble makers as usual, even i would've bullied her if it wasn't for the guilt in my head saying it was all my fault.

"you all did very good, i never thought that mr. Ghazali would even strike up to be at least competent, but no matter, he still ranks second to the last" aw man, does everyone need to emphasize my stupidity nowadays? it's already as humiliating as it is!

"as usual, ms. Kheng gets the first rank, getting all streak of A+, as usual as it is" i smiled as Boy even cheered for her, but other than that, everyone said nothing, well everyone except Sasi at least.

"it's no fair teacher, she's just a teacher's pet, a favorite, thats why she always gets high grades! i should be the one getting first rank, i worked exceptionally hard for this!" a few sounds of protests were heard after Sasi's statement, everyone almost agreeing, not everyone, all except me, Mia, Viktor and surprisingly Boy, we actually felt bad for Alicia, i personally know how she works hard for her grades.

"yeah! don't we have the chance to get first rank for once?"

"Alicia's cheating!"

"yeah! she knows how to hack! she might've hacked into the school's system!"

"and changed her scores!!"

"just because she's the head of prefects, she gets special attention! special treatment!!"

now this is bad, Alicia may hack into systems and defenses but never will she hack for her own personal needs, i know her too much to know so

"everyone quiet down! i will investigate in the matter regards to your accusations, but right now, i know she ISN'T cheating nor using her title as head of prefects, back to the grades, mr. Viktor Ong gets second place--"

"NO! IT CAN'T BE!!" and there ya have it, an overly dramatic Sasi running around the room, i actually felt bad........ scratch that, i don't feel bat for him at all.

"Sasi you ranked third, i'm sure you're used to it by now" some snickered and laughed as he complained, god he's gonna divert the tension--

"this is all your fault Alicia Kheng! you hacked the results to rank me third!" false accusations as expected, but strangely, she isn't fighting back nor bickering come backs, not like when i argue with her.

i suddenly felt a vibration on my pants, reaching down to my pocket, i took out my phone, the screen was themed blue with the M.A.T.A. symbol on the middle, it's the signal, M.A.T.A. needs us, i glanced over at Alicia, i sworn she glanced at me, i saw her phone vibrating on her pocket but she didn't look at it nor answered why it was vibrating, maybe she already knows? how do we get out of here, Ms. Puah would probably forbid us from going out as usual, especially when she is giving out grades. but it wont hurt to try.

"ms. Puah? can i go to the washroom?" i raised my hand up and as always, she gave me her signature glare and smacked her stick on my desk causing me to yelp, does this always has to happen whenever i just say something??

"what do you think mr. Ghazali?!" she snapped at me as Alicia took a glance winking, wait what is she gonna do this time?

suddenly the speakers went off...

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