Chapter 13

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sooo.... question of the chapter, if you we're Alicia, tag who you want to be your Ali, and why? <3


Ali's p.o.v.

darn that Alicia, that wasn't funny!

i sighed and just wore dry clothes, because of her, i had to take a bath, again, and with Comot, that cat was unbearable when it comes to water, hmp! someday Alicia, you'll regret doing that to me.

"Ali, hurry up, we have 20 minutes left" gah i'm coming jeez can't you wait? you asked that ten times, the past five minutes ago!

"sheesh i'm coming alright?" i shouted back, and they call me impatient when she's more impatient than me.

Sighing. i just grabbed my bag to hide Comot in, pets are not allowed in Sunway. since they are kinda......... undisciplined?




Normal p.o.v.

with Viktor and Mia. (readers : finally another perspective besides the lovers)

the two were having ice cream, since they needed to wait for Ali and Alicia near at the skating rink, Viktor however, was too caught up in his detektive jebat to listen to the obsessed female.

"-- and then we'll get married!" the female sighed dreamily as the other boy though, just nodded at her, not really listening to her at all.

"yeah yeah.. sounds great.... anywho how'd you know Ali was with Alicia?" he finally drawn his attention to her from his game, he didn't really hear what the female was saying earlier, he was too busy playing his game, but decided to ask a few things, or it's gonna look rude.

"well...... earlier, on the way to Sunway, i passed by her place, i saw Ali's cat on a tree, and he was chasing it, so yeah, Alicia doesn't like people entering her lawn without her permission, so guess she invited him over or something else" she finished eating the cone from her ice cream as she went to wipe her fingers with some tissues, Viktor thought about it as he placed his tablet inside his bag.

"thats strange really, well Ali did want to make it up to her after the whole dodge ball incident so guess he's doing it right now" he was about to take his wallet out to buy some snacks until he heard someone shouting his name.

"hey Viktor!" he glanced around to see his best friend Ali, running towards them with his usual bag, bulging a bit, probably because of the cat hiding inside it. Alicia was a good distance behind him, walking rather than running like Ali whom was almost bumping into other people, the neuro female was indeed more mannered and undoubtedly disciplined.

the taller male smiled and hi fived the shorter male, the neuro just rolled her eyes and sat beside Mia, whom began bombarding her with her usual worrywart questions, which the neuro just waved it off and answered neutrally, like she would've always done so. Ali and Viktor however, went to buy some snacks.

"first she always calls you, then you stay with her? ok tell me whats going on, is little Ali being a grown man now?" the taller boy snickered as the shorter one rolled his eyes, a blush evident on his cheeks, but looked away to have it unnoticed.

"tch shut up, i'm just doing whats right ok, i'm just making it up to her, there's nothing between us, at all" the young tekno defended as the older one rolled his eyes and bought a few snacks for them, his bag moving a bit, signifying Viktor's suspicion correct, the boy wouldn't leave the feline alone, they've been best friends too, it doesn't envy Viktor at all. just don't take his detektive jebat away from him. and you'll be fine.

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