Chapter 27

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yeah, school starts next week. too bad so sad. may not update frequently so gather up all your anger and leave em in the comments =~=


Did you know? General Rama in English is General Butterfly?


Normal p.o.v.

"so this IRIS gadget... my son had it all along? and he used it to defeat these villains in the city?" it took Dr. Ghazali a while to process the things that happened during so. he still couldn't believe the fact that his son, low in academics and low in physical ability, would be the great IRIS agent? of course it's hard to believe, but what Dr. Ghazali thinks of most, is how he got winded up in this complicated agency? and most of all, how come he didn't know about it? for three years his son had been hiding it from him, is it because... Quatro was actually right? that he was barely home to even stop and talk to his son about his daily activities? he hasn't been keeping an eye of his son for years. he failed his promise to his beloved Aliyah, and now his son is in a very dangerous situation!

and one fact. his son absolutely yearned for danger!

"well yes. but rest assured, he's perfectly safe, he may be clumsy but, i've been looking after him my whole agent days" Agent Bakar, whom personally known Dr. Ghazali for years. tried to convince Dr. Ghazali that Ali is fit to be an agent, and he wont get hurt in the process.

however. Dr. Ghazali is a father, he worries for his only son. despite the fact he barely sees him. he cares so much, but was actually relieved to find out that Bakar has been taking care of him for the Dr.

"can i atleast see my son?" even though the mentors were thinking of anything else to say to prevent it, indeed Dr. Ghazali has every right to know about his son's condition. resulting to Bakar leading him to the med bay. 

as they arrived, Ali was chatting with Moon and Khai, Alicia still resting on the other side of the room, but was conscious as it is, just observing the situation like she'd always do.

"so you mean, this Quatro guy looks somewhat familiar but he's still a stranger to you?" Khai tapped on his chin in thought.

"yeah... but the way he talked about poverty outside of Cyberaja, and his grandfather sentenced to death, i don't understand, i seriously can't figure it out but, his past about poverty somehow made me think of Rudy" Ali shook his thoughts away, surely  Rudy was still with M.A.T.A. and he doesn't have a grandfather... he thinks, Rudy never talked about his family so there might be a chance?

"impossible, Rudy is still with us, and he hasn't left the academy since last week. Iman was with him, he couldn't be at the convention" Moon reasoned out, somehow she made a point there, Rudy isn't like that, and Rudy held respect to the pioneers and everyone-- well maybe except Ali and Alicia at times but, they're rebuilding and developing friendship are they? for the past three years but that doesn't matter really.

"well we have a list to investigate, and Rudy is surely off of the list. who else?" Khai maneuvered his fingers over his holographic controller of R.O. 

"then that concludes. Quatro is not an agent from M.A.T.A.? it's our only option so to speak" the three teens turned their heads towards the source of that statement, and it was from Dr. Ghazali himself. Ali could only mutter a nervous smile as his father rushed to engulf him in a hug, man he missed hugging his dad so much. it made his thoughts vanish in thin air, as he only cared about his father's presence, and how he feels so loved right now.

Jealous Alicia spotted :3

kidding, she wasn't bothered, but was actually touched by the scene, it also made her slight envious of Ali, his father never hugged her like that, she hasn't seen her father in person for three years. and she's kind of annoyed by how everyone can hug Ali openly while she couldn't -_-

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