Chapter 21 + Shout Out

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someone asked. "when did you start writing stories?"

asked by Early_Zahra_Princess

well i started writing two years ago, i started off as a sonic fanfiction writer, shipping sonamy or sonadow, but then i realized, i liked miraculous ladybug, and read some of those, i never wrote miraculous books but i did start writing Ejen Ali, my first 5 Ejen Ali books were...

a failed yeah.. nobody likes em .-. so i deleted, i even tried making a RuLi book, Ali x Rudy but it's a fail with bashers. so far this book is the only one that has been good so far....

i feel lonely .-. thanks for asking that question Early_Zahra_Princess. btw. thanks for the spam you caused XD it makes me happy to see you randomly commenting things that encourages me to write more.

SHOUT OUT TO MY NEW FRIEND Early_Zahra_Princess !!

another question asked by Mikayanji !!

"What race are you? like are you Filipino or american or something? is this too personal?"

well to answer that, no. it's not really personal at all, don't ask for my address though, and yes, i am a Filipino, but i have a Malaysian race from my grandmother's side so i'm 3/4 Filipino and 1/4 Malaysian.


thanks for the spams!
Love you guys so much 😘💗💝💞


Normal p.o.v.

Ali perked up by the mention of his dad, glancing over to the general and abruptly ignoring Bakar. Alicia merely nodded in response and turned to glance at the tekno agent, whom approached the holographic platform which displayed the 3D holographic image of Cyberaja. a small red figure that has a trail of red markings connecting the school to the Gamma tower.

"tomorrow morning, a class from SRT Cyberaja 2 will have their tour at the Gamma tower, for Dr. Ghazali's computer science expo, however we picked up signals that there might be people ambushing on the way, especially now that the Azurium will be used in this expo, don't blow your cover, and protect him at any costs." the General commanded. everyone nodding their heads as his eyes landed on one particular former greenhorn of the team.

"Ali, i expect you will not compromise this mission. am i clear?" General asked him straight. the boy merely nodded in response, since it's the only action he could do at the moment.

"Good. now Act Immediately!" the General yelled out before ending the transmission. Jenny turned the holographic image off along with the screen where the General was once on transmission. Rizwan pushed himself off from leaning on the wall. getting up on his feet properly, he unwrapped another usual chocolate flavored lollipop.

"i think it's best for you two to rest up for the day in order to perform well tomorrow, i'll have Agent Karya to excuse you from classes." Rizwan stated as Jenny and Bakar left the room to have snacks. with Comot subconsciously following them. since Ali didn't really feed her much at school due to restriction reasons.

Alicia and Ali were now left with Rizwan. and they bet, they're not leaving this place without trying to smack the adult later on.

which they are practically correct on their expectation.

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