03|of the lions

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Lya cursed herself as her closest and only female friend Addy, tied the corset tightly around Lya's bust. "If you're trying to kill me you may be achieving." She hissed out, putting her hand on her stomach. Daenys grumbled from Lya's bed, sensing her owner's pain. Lya simply waved her hand and the young wolf settled into the furs.

"I'm sorry, Lya

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"I'm sorry, Lya." She says sincerely as she pulls out the blue dress and laying it out on the bed. "You'll be meeting the Kingslayer today." Addy gave her friend a raised eyebrow, waiting for a reaction.

"I've already met him." She says as she sits in front of the vanity in the corner of her room. The cloudy mirror didn't do justice for the look she held. Her black hair was curly and over both her shoulders. Blue grey eyes full of fire.

"You saw him in passing, my friend." Lya thought back to the meeting of the King. He had stared at her for too long and Lya had to avert her eyes to something else. Only to find another's eyes on her. She could recognize the Lannister a mile away. She took note of the red cloak that replaced his white one of the Kingsguard.

"And that's enough for me." A knock at the door gave Addy a shock. The small girl went to the door immediately, mouth agape when she was met with emerald eyes.

"Ser Jaime." Addy announces loudly so that Lya can react. She stands up and puts on a black silk robe, nodding to her friend to open the door. The skittish girl opens the door and scurries out of the room. The man adorned in golden armor closed the door behind himself.

Lya felt no embarrassment of her lack of clothing, standing tall and brushing her hair behind her shoulders. Her hands land on her hips, glaring at the tall man. "What is it that you want, Lannister." From the bed, Daenys growled quietly, only to be hushed by Lya.

" From the bed, Daenys growled quietly, only to be hushed by Lya

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"I hope we have no hard feelings, my lady." Jaime Lannister speaks in a silky voice, his hand on the hilt of his sword. He doesn't try to hide his wondering eyes, causing Lya's glare to sharpen. "I only wished to meet you before we had the influence of every man and woman of court."

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