38|now and always

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"Your Grace, I want to say..." Ser Jorah Mormont stood at the bottom of the steps, looking up at his Queen with wide eyes.

"You will not speak," Daenerys hissed, cutting him off. "How do I know you are who you say you are?" She said, turning to the blonde stunted man.

"I can test to it, Your Grace." Lya said, stepping foreword from her spot behind Dany. She hid in the shadows like her wolf for a while, watching the men curiously. When Jorah was brought back to the Pyramid, it was a shock to Lya. But when she saw who he was with, her mouth never seemed to close with shock. "This is Jaime Lannister's brother."

"Lyanna Stark

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"Lyanna Stark." Tyrion murmured, saying it like it was a question. His green eyes full of shock. "But. You're dead."

"Clearly." A growl erupt from the shadows behind Tyrion as Daenys circles the pair. He hadn't even noticed the wolf was there. As big as a horse, she still kept her steps quiet and smooth.

"Tyrion Lannister. Why shouldn't I kill you? To pay your family back for what it did to mine and to Lyanna's."

"You want revenge against the Lannisters? I killed my mother Joanna Lannister the day I was born. I killed my father Tywin Lannister with a bow to the heart. I am the greatest Lannister killer of our time." Lya starred blankly. Tywin Lannister, was dead. For some reason the thought sent relief into her. The man who helped kill her family. Dead.

"So I should welcome you into my service because you murdered members of your own family?" Dany scoffed.

"Into your service? Your Grace we have only just met. It's too soon to know if you deserve my service." His words are joking but still, Lya feels the seriousness in them. He was not an idiot, she knew that.

"If you'd rather return to the fighting pits just say the word." Daenerys Targaryen and Lyanna Stark looked down at the Imp with fire in their eyes. If Tyrion didn't know better, he would say they were the dragons. Not the ones he saw flying over him in the ruins of Valyria.

"When I was a young man I heard a story about a baby born during the worst storm in living memory. She had no wealth, no lands, no army, only a name and a handful of supporters, most of whom probably thought they could use that name to benefit themselves. They kept her alive, moving her from place to place, often hours ahead of the men who had been sent to kill her. She was eventually sold off to some warlord on the edge of the world and that appeared to be that. And then a few years later the most well informed person I knew told me that this girl without wealth, lands, or armies had somehow acquired all 3 in a very short span of time, along with three dragons. He thought she was our best, last chance to build a better world. I thought you were worth meeting at the very least." His story, made Daenerys' anger slip away for a moment. He could see it in her eyes. But Lya's. Lya's stayed.

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