46|times that passed

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Lya knocks hard on the door, impatiently she leans against the wall. Daenys lets out a whine, sniffing at the crack under the wooden frame. "I know, girl." Lyanna says and ruffles the giant direwolf's ears. Finally she hears rustling behind the door. When it opens her eyes soften. "Jon."

"Lya." Jon Snow mutters with a little bit of coldness in his voice. But all that goes away as Daenys tackles him to the floor. She licks his face "Nice to see you too." He chuckles and sits up, petting the direwolf's ears. Daenys whimpers happily before jumping onto his bed and laying down. Lya steps into the room, closing the door behind her. "She's bigger than Ghost now."

"She's a bed hog for sure." Lyanna chuckles and walks to the window. She can see Dragons against the night's sky. Flying around the castle. It comforts her slightly. "Jon. There is so much I need to tell you. And so little time."

"I can agree with that. Why not start by telling me how the hell you survived being burned alive." Jon comes to the window next to her, smiling over at his sister.

"Only is you tell me how you survived a knife to the heart."

"I hope you have time." Lya and Jon stand there for what feels like hours. She tells him of Eddard Lannister. Her dead son. And of how she hatched Sunfyre. He tells her of Ygritte. The girl who died in his arms. And of how he brought the wildlings together with the northmen. By the time both are as caught up as they can be, Lyanna's throat burns from how much she spoke. She left out her relationship with Daenerys, fearing his reaction.

"I don't think I could have survived what you did." Lya sighs. "I don't think I am a good enough leader."

"Oh fuck that. Of course you are." Jon teases, elbowing her side. "I sure as hell couldn't have survived a damn fire." Lya giggles and shakes her head. Sunfyre looms closer as she feels the warmth and happiness off of her mother.

"Jon." Lyanna mutters, her smile disappearing. "There's another thing."

"What is it Lya?" Jon questions and leans closer to her.

"The last time I saw Catelyn. She told me something." Jon watches expectantly, waiting for her to finish. "Robb isn't my twin, Jon."

"What do you mean?"

"Catelyn had twins. But one of them died. When our father brought two bastards north, they put me in the dead twin's crib. I'm not a Stark, Jon. I'm your twin. Not Robb's" Jon stares for a second, taking it all in.

"But all this time..."

"She was a mother to me and a bitch to you? Yeah I know. I was so mad at her, the night I was taken, all I wished was that she would pay for how she treated you." Lya holds back a sob, feeling tears beat at her eyelids. "I guess I got my wish."

"Lya." Jon chides and wraps his arm around her. "It's not your fault. None of it. And you're a Stark. Through and through."

"What about you?"

"I'm a Snow, Lya. Even if you're my sister I'll always be a Snow."

"Jon Snow. King of the North. That has a nice ring to it don't you think?" Jon chuckles, shaking his head at his sister.

"I bet I'm the older twin." Lya feigns a gasp, hitting his chest softly.

"How dare you. I'm far smarter and superior. That must mean I'm older." Jon clicks his tongue.

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