60|the dragon children

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This song is what I
imagine to be Dany and Lya's song

The little girl laughed aloud as she chased her half brother with a wooden sparring sword. The boy jumped over logs, his legs much longer than his sisters. But she was quicker. She caught up to him, threatening to hit his ankles. At this he skidded to a stop, not wanted to have bruises for a fortnight on his poor ankles.

"You don't play fair!" He announced as she tapped his shoulder.

"I play right." She sneers. "You're it." She drops the sword, running out of the woods and into the keep. The boy is on her tail, leaving behind the sword they both knew Greyworm would be looking for. But that was far behind them now, figuratively and literally. They ran through the courtyard, running under people and trees as they went past. They reached the courtyard where they knew they would find their parents.

The two muddy children stopped outside the, looking between themselves. "Do you think they're done now? This game is more fun with four." The little girl whined, leaning against the large pillar. The boy shrugged, his curly hair barely shorter than his sisters silver. His was the color of ink, dark and smooth. His eyes were a blue grey that looks like a storm cloud ready to burst. The girl had all her mother's features. Pale skin and hair like pale gold. But her eyes held her father in them as well. Purple with grey and blue.

"Rhaella!" The girl turned at her name, smiling as she saw her mother, belly swelled with a hand resting atop it.

"Momma!" She called and ran to her, wrapping her small arms around her.

"Come along now, your brother and sister should be ready for you soon." Daenerys Targaryen put out her hand for the boy. "Come on Robb. Your older brother will want to see you."

"He is not that much older." Robb complained as he walked to Dany's arm. She shook her head and smiled.

"Yes yes I know. Minutes. I remember how angry your mother was when he took so long. But you were much quicker." She rubbed the dirt off the boy's nose, leading them into the castle.

Alysanne Targaryen sat on her throne, two children on her lap. The girl was older than the twin boys by mere months. But one day she would be Queen, and the boy across from her would be her King. Her hair was the same as her mother's, Lya thought, they would have another silver queen.

Daenys sat beside the throne, nosing the little boy every now and then to make him giggle. The wolf was as big as the throne Lyanna sat in. She was loyal as Sunfyre and she knew if something happened to her, the direwolf would protect her pack.

"What if we aren't good?" The boy asked, looking up at his mother with wide eyes. His were a deep grey that almost looked purple in certain lights. He would be King, Lya wondered, and she would prepare him for that.

"Aegon," The Queen chided. "You will be the best King. Even better than your father. Aegon. Sixth of his name. Protector of the realm." She tickled his stomach, making him squirm and giggle. Jaehaerys smiled as he walked into the throne room with Daenerys and the other two children at his side. The silver queen let out a huff, putting a hand on her stomach.

"I hope this one is a boy." She murmurs, making Jon smile.

"Me as well." Lya looked at her wife and husband with a smile.

"Mother!" The little girl hopped from her lap, running towards her mother excitedly. "Did you know what when I'm Queen, I get to have all my friends live in the castle with me? Maybe Catelyn can come! Ooh and Nymeria too." Lya smiles at the mention of her sister's children. Arya lived with Gendry at Stormsend, the King and Queens had attended their wedding feast. Arya insisted on a jousting tournament afterwards along with melee and archery. It was the best wedding feast Lya had ever been to.

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