13|love and torment

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She wore grey. Septa Mordane spent that whole week trying to convince her to wear white as most brides do. But she wanted grey to support her house. She didn't doubt people would still call her Lady Stark. Though she herself wouldn't feel like Lady Stark anymore.

"You look beautiful." Eddard Stark says as he kisses his daughter's forehead. His eyes light up as he takes in his daughter. She was the vision of her namesake. The grey of her dress making her blue eyes a stormy sky. Lya smiles up at her father.

"Are you ready for today?" Her father asked

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"Are you ready for today?" Her father asked. Lya nodded her head. In truth she didn't know. "I'm sorry that you can't have your wedding in Winterfell. I know that's what you always wanted."

"I don't care which gods I wed in front of. Though I do wish we could have had it in my home. But alas we don't all get what we want." Lya misses her home. She thinks about it every night. And even when she was with Jaime, doubt filled her mind. She cared for the man yes, but what of her family when she leaves Kingslanding?

"I wish I could give you everything you want my little wolf pup." Ned hugged his arms tight around his child. His favorite child. It was no secret he held the girl dear. He loved his other children no less but it was the truth he held of her that made him love her more. I'll tell her soon, he told himself, Soon.

"Lya!" Arya shouted as she rushed into the room, Daenys at her heels. The wolf had been sent away while Lya got ready so she went to find Arya. "Oh gods you look beautiful sister!" She says and rushes over to her, hugging her tightly. Lya laughed lightly at this and patted the young girls head. Sansa followed Arya into the room, smiling at her sister. She also hugged Lya to the older girls surprise. They stood like that for a while before it was time for Lya to leave. Her heart never stopped screaming in her ears.

Before Lya could even take in everything that was happening, Jaime had the Lannister cloak around her. Their kiss was short and sweet. The crowed soaked it up though, cheering loudly. Though Lya didn't hear anyone cheering louder than little Arya.

She wondered why anyone else was cheering. She wasn't some great southern beauty so she knew that all the southerners probably hated her. And not that anyone liked the Kingslayer much more. So it was strange to hear such excitement over their wedding.

The feast had began and Jaime and Lya sat at the head of the table, the King and Queen close by as a form of honor that they had the privilege of having them at the wedding. It was simple, just the way Lya liked these kind of events. But she couldn't help but notice the constant glare from Cersei. It made her quite uncomfortable. But she played along, leaning in to kiss Jaime's cheek every now and then just to spite the woman.

"You don't seem to be enjoying yourself." Jaime said after the feast had been on for an hour or so. Lya didn't deny the charges he placed though. The loudness and drinking wasn't her favorite thing to do. Especially without her Robb and her Jon. Robb had promised he would try to come south for the wedding but it was on such a short notice that he couldn't. Jon was always fun when the three of them drank, putting away his normally gloomy mood.

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