34|selfish love

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"You're not my prisoner." Daenerys says as she closed the door behind the Stark. She had called her to the chambers, knowing that Lya was very angry with her.

"You tell all of your followers they are welcome to leave when the time comes. If they have to. But not me." Lya hisses, crossing her arms and glaring at the Queen.

"You're not a follower." Dany says, coming in front of her and getting onto her knees. It was strange to see her that way. She was a Queen. Not one to bow down to others. "You're my lover." Daenerys puts her hands on Lya's hips, causing her to groan in frustration. "The love of my life." She plants a kiss on her right hip bone. "You mean the world to me." She kisses her left one and then hovers above her naval, locking her eyes with Lya's soft blue and grey ones. "Is that wrong? To not want you to leave?"

Lya grabs her arm and pulls her to her feet, pressing her lips against the Targaryen. Their kiss deepens in passion until they have to pull away to breathe. Dany begins to untie her trousers, her fingers digging desperately into her skin. Lyanna grabs her hands, stopping her in her actions. "You can't just fuck me and expect me to forget about my family."

"You're my only family." Daenerys admits. It was selfish and she knew it. Knew that every word she said was self centered, but she could not lose Lyanna."I love you. I can't lose you. I lost Jorah. I'm losing my people. My army. Please. You said you would never leave me." Lya let's out a long sigh.

"I want to go home."

"As do I." Dany caresses her cheek, looking into her eyes with adoration. "But we can't go home now. When we go home we will with fire and blood and everyone who ever hurt you will die screaming, my love."

Lya thinks for a long moment before nodding

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Lya thinks for a long moment before nodding. Dany lets out a sigh of relief. It was wrong. Daenerys knew it was wrong to keep her here. Keep her close for her own selfish reasons. But she loved her. Wasn't that enough? "Finding my family will be the first priority." Lya lays out her demands.

"Done." Daenerys says instantly. "I swear to it." Lya let's herself indulge in her, kissing her lips and leaning her head back as the Targaryen trailed kisses down her neck. "I love you." She murmured between kisses, entrapping the woman with every touch. "I love you."

"The mission to Yunkai was a resounding success. The Wise Masters of Yunkai have agreed to cede power to a council of elders, made up of both the freedmen and the former slaveholders. All matters of consequence will be brought to you for review." Hizdahr says as he approaches the war table. Lya leans against it, looking out into the sky. She waited a long time. To see Sunfyre's bright wings. Daenys rubbed her head against the Stark and trotted to the balcony. Lya wanted to follow but Dany's voice pulled her away.

"Good." She says simply. Lya looks over her shoulders at the old master's son. His father had been given life in jail rather than execution. A slight mercy.

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