35|of many faces

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Her feet carry her as she runs down the hall. Footsteps ringing in the stone halls. She passes everything in a blur. Only Daenys at her side is clear as they race down the stairs. Lya pushes her whole body against the door to open it, practically falling into the room.

The sight breaks her. Addy lay against his body, loud sobs coming from her lips. Lya walks shakily towards the pair, the woman not even noticing her presence as she drapes herself across the body.

Maeor. It was clear as day. Even with the golden mask on his face she could see it by his wide eyes and dark hair. Lya went around the bench and put a hand on Addy's back. She shot up, her eyes red as the blood that seeped from her love's neck.

When she finds Lya, her eyes turn to slits. "This is your fault." Addy hisses as she chokes out a sob. Lya takes a step back as if she had been struck. It was the words that hit her. Her fault.

"Addy." Lyanna tries to soothe, pressing her hand on the woman's shoulder. She shies from the touch. Instead she lays her head on Maeor's chest, letting out a long sob.

"It's all your fault." Addy cries out. "If you weren't always with that damn Queen you would have protected us. You're selfish! You're fucking selfish and I hate you." She sits up, shaking as she stares at the Stark. "He was butchered. Like a damn animal. For you."

"Addy I swear if I could have done something..."

"No. Don't swear to me. You've never cared about me. I'm your shadow. Always have been. But Maeor." She runs a hand through his dark locks. "He made me someone. Now what am I? Nothingness?"

"You're my friend." Lya says, grabbing Addy's hand.

"Don't say that!" She screams at her. "Don't fucking say that!"

"Addy. Listen to me. His death will not be in vein." Addy does not listen. She pulls away, walking towards the balcony. Her eyes watch the city bellow.

"We were married

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"We were married." Addy murmured.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Lya questions, looking down at his body. She took off the mask and placed it away. He looked much older like this. His body small and alone. His hair in dark bloody strands. He didn't look like a smuggler. He looked like a Mormont.

"We did. We told you to come with us to the beach for a surprise. But you were too busy with your Dragon Queen. And now..." Addy places a hand on her stomach. "And now we're alone." Lya looks over, noticing as she rubbed the small bump on her stomach.

"Addy." Lya murmurs, walking towards her. "Please. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry." Lya feels tears pull at her eyes. This was her fault. Addy was right. She was always right. "I was wrong. I've been selfish. I love you Addy. You're all I have left from Winterfell." The woman scoffs.

"You don't love me." She shakes her head and grips the bannister hard. "Maeor loved me."

"Addy please. Of course I love you. You were my only friend in Winterfell."

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