08|the splinters cut

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Lya walks the halls of the Red Keep with a dark blue dress made of a thin material, Daenys with a iron color at her heals. The heat had not been easy to get used to. Arya was able to wear pants to ward off the heat but Lya had things excepted of her. Dress up, smile, look pretty. Sansa reveled in it with her intricate southern hair styles and long gowns that she somehow bared the heat in.

Lya wished that she could go out to the sea and strip off the confining skirt of the dress and wade into the cool waters. This is what she imagined as she stood at an open window at the end of a hall. She tugged at the tight braids pinned to the back of her head, almost pulling her hair out of her head in the process. Hands came behind her, untangling her fingers from her hair. She whips around to be faced with Jaime of house Lannister. She lets out a small sigh of relief and a smile graces her face.

"You worried me

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"You worried me. I thought you were the prince." Lya joked but quickly put back on a stern face.

"Has the prince been bothering you?" Jaime asks as he leans against the open window next to her. Lya pushes the memories of the other night in the back of her head. The Prince seemed to have forgotten which Stark sister he would receive. Lya couldn't go to anyone about it in fear Sansa would accuse her of trying to steal the boy. But that's what he was. A boy. And Lya did not want a boy.

Daenys sat down, the iron collar jingling. She did not growl when Jaime had approached which surprised Lya. The direwolf had been confined to the heavy collar in the Red Keep as the King worried for the lives of his Lords and Ladies at court. Lya worked tirelessly to train her to not growl at any touch to herself. She didn't want to lose the pup the same way Sansa lost hers.

"He's a brat boy who thinks everything is his." Lya shrugs and looks back out to the sea. "I'm going to die from this heat. I miss the snow." She groans, putting her hand on Daenys' head.

"Don't let the Queen catch you speaking like that." He teases, looking down at the wolf pup that already reached Lya's thighs in height. The beast was monstrous but something about the relationship the Stark girl had with the wolf was godly, Jaime had thought.

"She can take my head off. At least I wouldn't be hot anymore." Lya once again went at tugging the braids of her hair. Jaime came behind her, delicately taking her hair out. Something he seemed to be good at as Lya never winced once. Soon her curly locks were falling down to her back. She turned to him, her face suddenly red. "I should leave." She mutters.

"Do I scare you?" Jaime asks, his eyebrow shooting up.

"No. But you irritate me to no ends and if you'll excuse me I have to go to the tourney for my father." Lya pushes past him but he reaches out, grabbing her hand. Daenys Let's out a quiet growl, standing to her paws.

"You are so confusing." He pulls her hand up to his lips. He plants a small short kiss on her knuckles, sending a spark through her body. The warmth of the kiss doesn't leave her fingers as she turns away and stalks off.

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