32|dragons arent slaves

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"Ser Barristan. Lady Stark." Jorah greets the pair as they approach him. He looks upon a table map, only turning when neither responds to his greeting. "Have I forgotten a council meeting?"

"No." Barristan says as Lyanna drops the scroll in front of him, almost chucking it at his feet.

"What's this?" He questions, picking up the scroll and glancing between the two stern eyed people.

"A royal pardon signed by Robert Baratheon. You spied on her." Barristan says, glaring down the man with his hand on the hilt of his sword. Ary stood the same, worried the man might try and run. He felt bad for this, possibly putting his best friends cousin into prison. Or maybe even to the sword.

"Who gave you this?" Jorah asks in anger.

"Does it matter?" Barristan bites. Jorah's anger dies when he realizes that he has no way out of this. He looks down guiltily. The anger in Lyanna breathes hotter. Sunfyre flies overhead, closer and closer to the group when she senses the anger Lya feels.

"Have you told her?" He asks, not meeting either of their eyes.

"I wanted to tell you first, rather than go behind your back." Barristan sighs.

"If I had it my way then your head would be one its way to Westeros already." Lyanna hisses, crossing her arms as she speaks. Jorah ignores her, instead turning to Barristan with a pleading look.

"Let me speak with her in private." He requests but is quickly turned down.

"You'll never be alone with her again." Lya growls sounding almost like a wolf if one could speak. Barristan turns to leave but Lyanna doesn't move.

"This is your doing." Jorah accuses her once Barristan is gone. "I know you love her. I loved her for so much longer."

"You have? Well how long has she returned your love." Lya steps closer to the old man. "You betrayed her." Lyanna's face goes a little softer as she speaks. "There's nothing I could have done to help or hurt you."

"You can never have her. I hope you know that." Jorah says, the malice in his voice gone.

"I can still have her love." Lya turns away and starts her walk towards the pyramid.

"And that will never be enough."

"Why did the usurper pardon you?" Daenerys questions, a calm demeanor feigning over her hurt and confused one. Lya could feel every emotion that spilt out of her like Daenys feels the Stark's. The wolf sat at Lyanna's side, unmoving as she watched the traitor in front of them. The large direwolf growled a warning at Jorah as he tried to take a step onto the stairs. Daenys and Daenerys both shared something that brought them together, they both loved Lya.

"If we could speak alone." Jorah requests, eyeing the soldiers and gaint direwolf. It wasn't the wolf that scared him, but the Stark that commanded it. Holding the same angry and wild gleam in her grey blue eyes that the molten gold wolf's one did.

"No, speak to me here. Explain it to me." Daenerys argues.

"Who do you think sent this to Meereen? Who profits? This is the work of Tywin Lannister. He wants to divide us. If we're fighting each other, we're not fighting him." Jorah tries to explain himself, only to be met with Dany's stern voice.

"The pardon was signed the year we met. Why were you pardoned? Unless you're saying this document was forged." Lya watches him intently, waiting for some kind of lie to excuse him. But he kept his honor.

"It is not forged." Jorah admitted.

"Why, then?" Dany hisses.

"I sent letters to Varys, the spymaster of King's Landing." Daenerys looked as though she had been struck. Her eyes staring hard and dazed at the information.

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