37|memory of perfection

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The room was dark, except for some candles littering the scene. Daenerys and Lyanna stood over the body of Barristan. Lya shivered as a coldness rushed into the room. "Who did it." She hissed, turning to her Queen.

"The Sons of Harpy." Daenerys said blankly. She looked up at the blue grey of her eyes with emptiness. Lya reaches out, putting a hand against her face. Dany pulls away but still her cheeks heated at the touch. She loved her. Nothing would change that. Her eyes went to the body bellow her. This is what love does.

Hizdahr enters with two men at his side and Daario trailing them, causing Lyanna to sneer. It wasn't hard to notice the woman's dislike for him. "I am so sorry, my queen. He was a good man."

"Barristan the Bold they called him. He crossed a continent to serve me. He was a loyal friend. And he died in an alley, butchered by cowards who hide behind masks." Daenerys looked up at the noble man, her eyes afire with anger.

"We could pull back to the pyramid district, secure it, and use it as a base from which to operate. Then we clean the city out, neighborhood by neighborhood, street by street, until the rats have nowhere left to hide." Daario suggests, looking up at Hizdahr as he rounds the table that Barristan's body lay. He came next to Lya, putting his hand on hers. She hadn't even noticed the shaking that he put an end to.

"I prefer your earlier suggestion." Dany days, looking down at the body of her friend and counselor. "Round up the leaders of each of Meereen's great families and bring them to me."

"But..." Hizdahr started, eyes wide with realization. "I'm the leader of my family." Daario nods and the two men behind Hizdahr grab and restrain him. He is pulled away, struggling as they go.

"No, Your Grace! I had nothing to do with this. Your Grace!" His calls fall on deaf ears.

"Is it right?" Lya asks softly once he's gone.

"Is it right to do what?" Daario asks, raising an eyebrow to the Stark.

"Kill them all? Is it just?" Lya looks to Dany them rather than facing Daario's annoyed look.

"Do you not trust our Queen's judgment?" The sellsword scoffs.

"I do. And I trusted her counselors. Now look at them." She waves her hand over Barristans body. Daenerys did not speak, only starring at the body on the table. Lya turns away. "By your leave, your grace." Dany flinches at her sharp words before nodding. Lyanna exits the room in a flurry of silk.

"Tell me, Grey Worm." Lya started as she held up the Unsullied spear. "What do you like about this weapon rather than a sword?" She asked as they stood in the training field. Lya has trained with the Unsullied frequently before she was attacked. Dany refuses it for a long time. But now that Grey Worm was on his feel again, she decided to say fuck what Daenerys refuses.

She found solace in him along with Missandei. That made her miss her long gone loyal friends a little less. But it still hurt. Grey Worm picked up another spear, holding it as if it was a foreign object. He was still practically immobile but he liked to walk. "It is small weapon." He begins, spinning it slowly as to not stress the stitches in his stomach. "Easy to hold. Not heavy and keep you down. They hit harder." Lya nods.

"How long did it take you to learn the weapon?" She asks as she mimics his spinning.

"It took days as unsullied. We never stop training until mastered." Grey Worm holds the spear vertically and looks at it curiously. "How long for you to learn sword?"

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