54|the conquerors

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When Daenerys opens the door with the Targaryen dragon carved into it, she wouldn't be shocked to see Lya or Jon

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When Daenerys opens the door with the Targaryen dragon carved into it, she wouldn't be shocked to see Lya or Jon. But as she saw them together at her door, she realized something was wrong. She ushered them in before anyone could see. "What is it?" Dany questions as they both stand awkwardly in the middle of the room. Somewhere far away, Sunfyre roars into the night, announcing a fresh kill.

"Dany." Lya's words were soft and kind as she came closer to her. Daenerys felt all the fear slip away, Jon's presence in the room completely gone as she put her hands on Lyanna's waist. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course." Dany smiled, tilting her head. Her words are quiet so that Jon does not hear them. "Is everything alright, my love?"

"Do you love me Dany? Are you here with me no matter what?" Lya intertwined her fingers with the Queen, waiting for her answer. Lyanna wanted nothing more than to be bound to this woman for life. To be by her side forever. Crown or not. But still, the crown could help them. They would break the wheel. They could keep the peace.

"Well yes. More than anything." Daenerys said as Lya laid her forehead against the Targaryen's. Well they were all Targaryens, Lya realized. She wondered if she would take it well. If she would see it how she did.

"When I was just a babe, my father brought Jon and I to Winterfell. You know that. I was named Stark and he Snow. But we have never been either." Lya put a hand on Daenerys face and sighed, wondering how she would tell it. "You know the story. Of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark?"

"Yes. I was always told he was a good man. Who liked to sing more than kill. He stole her in the night and raped her." Daenerys shook her head, opened her mouth to apologize for her brother's mistakes.

"No." Lya said calmly. "He didn't rape her." This sent a jolt of confusion into Daenerys. "He loved her. They ran away together and they were married in secret. Lyanna became pregnant but she died on her birthing bed from a fever. Her brother, Ned Stark, found her as she laid, dying. With two newborn babies in her arms." Daenerys pulled away slowly, staring blankly. "Ned took them away as her final wish, naming one his bastard and one his child.

"Lya." Dany muttered as she stepped away from her. Mind reeling at the information. If what she said was true, Daenerys realized, she was nothing. "But that means. That means Jon..."

"It doesn't mean anything. Only that my true born name is Alysanne. And Jon's is Jaehaerys." Lyanna tries, grabbing her hand in her own. Dany didn't listen. All of this was for not now. The hardships. The fighting she did. The people she lost for Jon and the battle for the living. Viserion's death. All of it would mean nothing if what she worked for was taken. She wanted to be angry. But all she could see was the face of the woman she loved.

"Even you have a better claim than me Lya. I'm... nothing. All I worked for. It doesn't matter when the right people find out." She sat on her bed and starred at the ground as Lya kneeled in front of her.

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