07|the pack survives

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When the Stark girls arrived at King's Landing, red eyed and silent, they were quickly escorted to their rooms by Jory Cassel. In another life, the 25 year old soldier may have married Lya. But that little crush was put down by Ned Stark as quickly as it was formed. Lord Stark couldn't have his already promised daughter wishing to wed another.

"Here's your room, my lady." Jory said as he led Lya into her room, her trunks already there. Daenys swiftly hopped onto the bed and settled into it. The wolf had been keeping low, after everything that happened Lya couldn't lose her too.

"Thank you." Lya muttered blankly as he closed the door. She looked around at the room. It was warm but in a way it felt colder than the North. With sheer white curtains around the canopy bed it made it seem like a Queen's room, or at least what Lya imagined a Queen's room to look like. The same curtains adorned the door to the balcony. The stone cold floor brought a chill to the room but still the heat made Lya sweat.

She put a hand on the soft blue bedding and let out a sigh. Daenys crawled over to her, putting her wet snout against her shaky hand. "I want to go home." Lya admitted quietly. The wolf whined as if to agree with the statement. Lya never felt farther from home.

The door opens but Lya doesn't look up. "Arya I don't want to play right now." She muttered only to be welcomed with a different voice and a growl from Daenys.

"Sorry to disappoint. But I don't want to play either." Jaime stands with his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Get out." Lya hisses as he closes the door behind him.

"Please Lya I just want to talk." He pleads, taking a few steps towards her only to be barked at by Daenys in a warning.

"And I don't want to talk." Lya grabs one of her trunks throwing the clothes out and beginning to unpack angrily.

"I wanted to apologize for the way I acted the other night." He says, coming behind her and reaching out to grab her arm but stopping himself. "The only woman I've loved my entire life was a cruel cruel woman."

"Maybe you should pick better people." Lya says, turning to face him. Her cheeks redden when she realizes how close he had gotten.

"We don't chose who we love." He stares into her blue eyes, waiting for her to respond. She doesn't. "I've let her make me cruel. And every time we fought it would just end with us fucking each other's guts out until we fought again. I want to do something right for once in my miserable life." He reaches up and puts a hand to her cheek, slipping his thumb across her cheek bone.

Daenys snarls, standing up behind Lya on the bed and starting at Jaime. "If you want to do something right then you wouldn't be here." Lya hisses with the same ferocity as the wolf behind her. He pulls his hand away slowly.

"No. This is me doing something right." he turns away, walking out of the room. Septa Mordane opens the door only to stand face to face with Jaime. Her eyes go wide as she puts the pieces together of why he could possibly be in Lya's room. "Excuse me my lady." Jaime looks back and winks at Lya before leaving the Stark apartments.

Once he is gone, Lya doesn't wait for Septa Mordane to scold her. Slamming the door in the old woman's face and letting out an angry huff. She goes to the trunk and realizes it was the one with the egg in it. She picks up the foreign object and sighs. The warm feeling it gives off makes her smile.

She moves to the room with the chamber pot and finds a sheet in the linen closet. She wraps the egg with it tightly, using two just in case. Lya makes her way back to the bed and looks under. The small space is just barely enough for her to slip into. She does, shimmying her way under it. A hole in the underside of the bed shocked her. But it was the perfect size. She stuffed the egg up into it for safe keeping. Lya began to panic when she became stuck under the bed but with a mighty push she was back into the strange room. It would be safe there, she hoped, no one could find it now.

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