17|the winter kings

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It all seemed to happen so fast. One moment, Lya was sitting with Daenys on the cot in their tent. Crying over the news of her father's imprisonment that was brought by some maid. She felt horrible for leaving them so suddenly and now Sansa and Arya must be so scared. Stuck with Lions while their father was being threatened with sending to the wall. Lya wished she could escape here. Get to them and take them home to Winterfell.

But before she knew it, war was upon them. She had watched Tywin Lannister charge off with his men but somehow the battle had reached the camp. Lya stood from her position on the floor, gripping at Daenys' pelt desperately. She didn't want to die this way. Not with her brother, the King in the North, just in grasp. Lya didn't hesitate to take action. She would not die here. She ran out of the tent, finding where they had kept Calla. Lya jumped onto her unsaddled back, not caring about the uncomfortable feeling it brought. She searched with her eyes, watching men being killed left and right.

She saw Jaime in the middle of some tents, slicing Stark men back and forth. If the lions won, Lya would surely be killed. She rushed the horse foreword, aiming towards the Kingslayer. As the horse galloped foreword she grabbed a Lannister banner from the ground. She held it like a lance as she made her way to Jaime. He looked up just in time to see the golden lion on the red field slamming into his armor. This knocked Lya off balance though, sending her into the mud next to him.

Jaime caught his breath as best as he could, reaching for his sword to fight of the offender. But his eyes met Lyanna Stark's instead. A fire burned within them that sent fear through his veins. "Lya." Jaime muttered. But his words meant nothing. She lunged at him, rolling him into the mud until she was on top. He held the hilt of his sword with white knuckles, not wanting to harm her. She used that to her advantage though, pointing for Daenys to bite his wrist until he let the sword go. The wolf came off of his wrist as he let out an ear piercing scream from the pain.

Lya picked up his sword, aiming it at his neck as the wolf growled at him from beside her. Its teeth dripping with his blood. "Move and I'll cut your neck before you can say Lya." She hissed at him.

"I doubted you lady Lannister." He chuckles, causing her to press the blade deeper against his neck.

"That was your first mistake." Lya stands up of off him, keeping the sword to his throat. The war around them had seemed to die. Or maybe better yet everyone had died. She waits to hear something. Anything to tell her who won.

"Lyanna!" A voice calls

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"Lyanna!" A voice calls. Lya looks behind Jaime, seeing a great white stallion riding towards the pair. The Lannister doesn't move, knowing that if he disarmed Lya he wouldn't get far before the wolf tore his throat out. She stepped around him as other men grabbed him roughly.

Her eyes met those of Tully blue. He looked like a man now, Lya thought. Not the boy she had left when she rode for Kingslanding. Blood littered his face as he jumped off the horse. But she didn't mind. Robb Stark ran towards his sister, picking her up in a hug and spinning her. She laughs, a real one that came from the heart. Lya wraps her arms around his neck, holding so tightly that she worried it might break. But if she let go he may disappear again.

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