51|wings of regret

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As the story continues,
the Incest and Polygamy/Polyamory comes into play between Lya, Dany, and Jon. So I suggest stopping now if you don't want to read that 🤷🏼‍♀️

Lya stared at the piles and piles of dead bodies. There were thousands of the dead piled into pyramids to be burned. Daenerys and Jon stood at her sides, watching with blank eyes. Dany reaches out, intertwining her hand with Lya's. The Targaryen had tears welling in her eyes. Lyanna turned, wrapping her arms around the Queen and holding the back of her head in a hug. "I love you." She whispered as she pulled away.

Lya walked towards one of the piles, tears beginning to show in her eyes. She looked down at the two, holding in a sob as she saw their faces. Bruised and cold. Already turning a sickly shade of blue. She was told they died holding hands. Royan and Ary lay side by side, hands almost touching. Lya reaches down, putting their hands together before choking out a sob. She brushed their hair back, planting a kiss on both their foreheads. "Thank you." She whispered. "My loyal few."

Daenerys stood over Jorah's corpse, her hand absently touching his cold chest. He died, she thought as she recalled that night, protecting his Queen. No. Not a Queen. His Khaleesi. That was his final words, Khaleesi. She choked out another sob as she leaned down and kissed his head. "I love you." She whispered as she pulled back. Dany looked back once more before turning back towards the others.

Sansa looked down on Theon. He had saved her. Over and over. He betrayed the Starks then he died protecting one. You are a Stark, she thought to herself, always a Stark. She couldn't stop the tears as she pulled out a direwolf pin and puts it in his chest plate. She turns away, looking over at Lya who stared into the distance blankly. Her tears dried down her cheeks.

Lyanna turned back, taking the torch that was handed to her. Jon and Daenerys stood at her sides, holding up the torches to the sky. They walk foreword, setting fire to the pyramids of bodies. Lya stands over Royan and Ary, holding back tears. She slowly set the torch down in the stack, walking away as it went up in flames.

She stood in the middle, looking back at the people who had tears in their eyes. "We lost many people," Lya spoke loudly, brushing her eyes over the crowd. "But they did not die in vain. They will be remembered as the ones who protected the Seven Kingdoms from the dead. They will live in our hearts through stories and through memories. They will never die. These people set aside their differences to fight together. And now we say goodbye. To our friends. Our family. Our mothers and fathers. Brothers and sisters. We say goodbye to those who died so we could live." Lyanna walked back towards the Keep, Jon and Dany following her closely. Slowly everyone trickled back into the Keep. Leaving the smell of fire behind them.

Daenerys smiled over at Lya as she watched the people in the great hall. Jon sat on her other side, conversing loudly to the wilding men. "Lya." Dany says as she put a hand on her thigh under the table. "I never got to say anything. About Jon." Lya shook her head.

"That doesn't matter now." She places her hand on top of the Queen's. "We're alive. That's all that matters." Lya remembered the vision in the blue flames. The fate that could have been if Sunfyre didn't get her to Winterfell as fast as she did. The Maester had told her if she has been a moment longer without treatment, he wouldn't have been able to save her.

Laughter rang out in the hall as people drink and eat. Dany felt so very grateful in that moment for having her. She doubted she could have survived losing Jorah without her. "How is Rhaegal?" Lya asks as she is brought back into the moment, pushing the thoughts away.

"Healing. He needs time." Daenerys pulled away her hand and put it on the cup. She lifted it to drink but stopped herself. "Daenys?"

"Good. One of the wights in the crypts took a bite off the tip of her left ear but it's healed. She's good." Lya was thankful that she got better off than ghost. Half the white direwolf's ear was gone. It was hard to see. She was also thankful that she had sent the direwolf with Sansa. Daenys protected her sister well. Lya didn't want to think about what could have happened if the wolf wasn't there.

"What about Sunfyre?" Daenerys inquired as she set the cup down. Lya notes it's contents never changing. She put that aside and told herself to inquire about it later. Sunfyre. Her child and her savior. The Dragon was healing quickly, at the same pace as Lya. We are strong, Lyanna knew, we both have always been strong.

"She's better. She can fly perfectly. All the dragons are just... sad I guess." Lya shrugged and moved her food around the plate to make it appear eaten. She had no place to worry about Dany not drinking if she couldn't even eat, she realizes. It felt as though a creature flew around inside her stomach restlessly, never stopping for a second. It had started right after the Great War was over. It had been there ever since.

"Viserion." Dany said sadly. "It all happened so fast. We didn't even get a second to mourn him before the Night King..."

"Turned him." Lya nodded. "It wasn't him anymore you know." She squeezes her eyes shut, letting out a sigh. "I had to kill him to keep him away from Winterfell. It was horrible."

"There was no other choice." Dany assured her. "He didn't suffer." Lya nodded in agreement.

"What kind of madman climbs onto a dragon!" Tormund Giantsbane exclaims as he pats Jon hard on the back. Jon turns to look at Lya then to Dany.

"All of us. Actually." Lya teases the wildling. The red haired man laughs loudly and raises his horn.

"To the dragonriders!" He announces

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"To the dragonriders!" He announces. People cheer loudly and drink to that. Lya stands and raised her cup.

"And to our Queen. Daenerys Targaryen!" They all cheer once again. In the corner of her eye, Lya sees Dany smile. A real smile.

"And to our savior!" Daenerys calls, "Lyanna Stark. The Night King Slayer." The cries and cheers are louder as they all drink to the one who killed the Night King. Lya smiles as she hears her name being chanted. Lyanna of house Stark, home at last.

Cut this chapter in half because I thought it felt better as two chapters not one

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