29|what queens do

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"King Joffrey Baratheon is dead. Murdered at his own wedding." Jorah informs, bringing a humorless laugh from Lya's throat.

"His own wedding. Serves the little bastard right." The Stark hisses and leans back in her chair at the war table. They all looked at her cautiously as they had to step over their words around her. After the initial information had been spread, Lya had been distant and quiet. Not arriving to most meetings unless the Queen demanded her presence. She rarely spent time with anyone not even the people who came with her from Westeros. Daenys usually roamed the halls when she was locked out of the room. And the dragon Sunfyre was always flying around the pyramid, screeching in grief that her mother felt.

"And we have taken the Meereenese Navy, Your Grace." Barristan says, ending the long silence.

"The Second Sons took the Meereenese Navy." Daario corrected the old knight. This caught a glare from the two men on the Queen's council.

"Who told you to take the Navy?" Dany questions the second son leader.

"No one." He responded with a cheeky smile.

"So why did you do it?"

"I heard you liked ships." Lyanna rolled her eyes. She knew the man had eyes for Daenerys. It wasn't had to see. Lya felt a little jealousy when she realized the look in Dany's eyes. She probably returned those feelings.

"How many ships?"

"93, Your Grace."

"How many men can they carry?" The Targaryen asks, turning to her advisors instead.

"9,300, not counting sailors." Barristan answered.

"Would that be enough to take King's Landing?"

"The Lannisters have more." Jorah cautioned.

"They've been fighting Joffrey's wars for years. They're tired, dispersed. And now their king is dead. 8,000 Unsullied, 2,000 Second Sons sailing into Blackwater Bay and storming the gates without warning..." Barristan plays it out, sending thoughts spewing into Daenerys' head. Strategies and possible outcomes.

"It's hard to say. It could be enough. But we're not fighting to make you queen of King's Landing. 10,000 men can't conquer Westeros." Jorah went back and forth with Barristan on the case.

"The old houses will flock to our queen when she crosses the Narrow Sea."

"The old houses will flock to whichever side they think will win, as they always have." Daenerys watches the men before turning to Lyanna.

"What do you think?" The Queen asks the Stark.

"No." She answered simply. Daenerys frowns a little. She would have to wait longer. The wait was becoming too much for her, but she respected Lyanna's council. Jorah stands, taking the Queen's attention.

"There's other news. From Yunkai. Without the Unsullied to enforce your rule, the Wise Masters have retaken control of the city. They've reenslaved the freedmen who stayed behind and sworn to take revenge against you. And in Astapor, the council you installed to rule over the city has been overthrown by a butcher named Cleon who's declared himself His Imperial Majesty."

"Please leave me." She says in frustration. Lya stands to go but Daenerys turns back to her. "Not you, Lyanna." Jorah gives her a side glance before following the rest out of the room.

"It appears my liberation of Slaver's Bay isn't going quite as planned." She says as she walks to the balcony. Lyanna joins her side, looking out on the city.

"Westeros is vulnerable with the boy king on the thrones. He's believed to be my husbands child. A child of incest. If you asked Barristan he would say to strike now." Lya shrugs as she gives the Targaryen council. Daenerys inches her hand closer to the Starks, putting it on top of hers and turning to the woman.

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