43|king in the north

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Hate the story. Stop reading it. If you don't like what I do, stop reading it and move on. Everything I write, I do for a reason and nothing I have written is not cannon typical. I'm not going to write to please everyone. That's not why I write. The people who have read my stories should know what. So no, I'm not sorry and I won't be rewriting anything :) have a good day.

The sea had always agreed with her. The smell of salt in the air and the feeling of the mist on her face. The winds were kind, though they had still been at see for a long time. It was expected. Getting across the narrow sea, that wasn't that narrow in the light of things, took months at the least. They had made good time.

Lyanna watched the shore on the horizon. It was just a pinprick of land but she knew they were heading straight to dragonstone. Dany's home. Well, as much of a home that she had left. Sunfyre loomed above, blocking the sun as she hovered just above the Queen's ship. She let out a chirp, tilting her wings so that her golden eyes found Lya's. It was a welcome sight.

The creature barely left the closeness of the ship until she needed rest, landing on one of the ships that had been cleared for the dragon's immense size. Though, her and Drogon both found solace being near their mothers. Rhaegal and Viserion were sweet and gentle creatures but fearsome when needed. But Drogon and Sunfyre both had a hardness shaped from years in the wild. Rhaegal and Viserion seemed specially attached to Lya, always feeling as much comfort around her as Sunfyre did. Drogon felt the love her and his mother shared, having the same ruthless protection over her as Daenerys.

"Home." She heard a voice from behind her. Lya peered over her shoulders, meeting Daenerys' soft eyes.

"Yes," Lya looked back to the island ahead of them and held onto the side of the ship. "Home."

"I have not forgotten my promise." Dany offered as she came next to her.

"I already told you. We will find them when time allows. We cannot be rash." Some of the coldness had left on the trip across the narrow sea, but Daenerys still felt something off about her lover. Though, she never spoke of it. Lya spent night after night in Daenerys' chambers, but they had done nothing other than lay with each other. She knew the Stark was still haunted by the time they spent with the Dothraki. But Dany never asked.

"Yes. I know," she looked over to the dark eyes of Lya as she starred at the rushing water bellow. "but I still keep my promise. We will find your family." All she wanted to do was grab the woman and kiss her. She didn't want to hide. Daenerys just wanted to love her. But alas, eyes still watched.

"I trust you Dany." Lyanna frowned. "It's just us." Daenerys didn't understand her words but also didn't want to ask.

"What do you want, Lya? Most in the world?" She spoke quietly, standing as close as the rocking ship would allow.

"I want us. You on the Iron Throne with me by your side." Lya looked down at Daenerys. "And I want my family."

"You're a simple woman aren't you?" This brought a huff of laughter to Lya. The sound made Dany smile. She loved to see her laugh. It seemed a rare sight these days.

"I try my best."

"I don't trust him." Daenerys says as she brushes out the braids from her silver hair. Lya shrugs, laying back into the velvet sheets. She felt cold, in the first time since she left Westeros her skin prickled with goose flesh. The storm outside raged. But she was born of the cold. Starks did well in the cold. But I am not a Stark, she thought, not truly. "You aren't even listening." Dany chuckled a little as she shook her head. "Your mind is elsewhere, my love."

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