58|the iron throne

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Alysanne Targaryen stood in the throne room, eyes forward. Her riding gear was burnt in some places and in others there was blood. Lannister blood. The room was crowded with people of all sorts. Unsullied, Dothraki, Greyjoys, Dornish, Tyrell men. The three rulers stood at the top of the steps.

"We have won!" Lya called out. Daenerys echoed this in quick Valyrian and then Dothraki. The people cheered. "We have taken back our home and now it is time to rebuild our world!"

"Together we have broken the wheel!" Daenerys calls out, a smile on her lips. "And now we will make sure it stays broken."

"We will unite the seven kingdoms as they were under the Conquerors rule! We will have peace and prosperity for our reign and our children's reign." Jon calls to them, getting the same rallying cry. It sends life through his veins.

"The King we chose!"

"The One true Queen!"

"The Ones that Broke the Wheel!"

They all screamed out different things, echoing the room in cheers. The Targaryens smile. "We have the Iron throne! But we will no longer let this chair feed into peoples thirst for blood. This throne has taken lives for far too long. Men! Take the chair to the front of the red keep!" Lyanna commands. Many jump at this, the three moving aside. They use torches to melt the bottom of the throne so that it unsticks from the ground. It takes too many men for Lya to count to pull it out of the throne room. They drag it outside, the Targaryens in tow.

Alysanne watches as the people gather. The men drop the throne in front of them and everyone stares in awe. "We have not come to burn your cities and orphan your children. We are not here to rape your women and enslave your people. We are here to break the wheel and lead a dynasty of peace and prosperity. We have killed the Mad Queen! A tyrant by the name of Cersei Lannister. She burned down your sept out of pettiness. Killed off houses for a war that meant nothing for the small folk. We are not her. We will restore all that she ruined and make this world a better place for you, your children, and your children's children!"

 We will restore all that she ruined and make this world a better place for you, your children, and your children's children!"

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Sunfyre falls from the sky, making the people cower in fear. But the giant dragon purrs, lowing her head towards her mother. "We will not stop the wheel of tyrants!" She commands everyone to move back, stepping away from the throne. "We will break it!" Golden flame spews from the dragon's throat, engulfing the throne in red, yellow and gold until it melts under the heat. People cheer and scream.

Jon and Dany kneel in front of her as the crowns Lyanna had made for them are brought out of the castle. People stare in awe. First, she grabs a crown wrought in the shape of a three-headed dragon. The coils are yellow gold, the wings silver, the heads carved from jade, ivory, and onyx. Lya places it atop Daenery's head carefully. "All hail her grace! Daenerys of House Targaryen, first of her name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm." The people scream, making Daenerys feel hot tears on her cheeks. She had thought once she had no love this side of the sea, but know she knew she was wrong.

Next, she grabs a circle crown of Valyrian Steel, melted down from the sword of the Tarly's that Samwell gifted him for that purpose. It was set with big square-cut rubies. Aegon the Conquerors crown, remade into its former glory. She places it on top of Jaeharys' head, smiling with pride at her twin brother. "All hail his grace! Jaeharys of House Targaryen, first of his name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm." They cheer for him once again and he smiles, he was once nothing but a bastard. Now he was a King.

Finally, they stand and Lyanna goes to her knees. Daenerys reaches back for the final crown. It is made of thin Valyrian Steel, the other half of the Tarly sword, It is curved into the shape of a dragon's head at the front, the circle pieces curving in the shape of wings. One line of steel goes down the middle in the curving shapes of a dragon's horns. She closes her eyes as Dany places and it fits snugly on her head. She opens her eyes to see the people watching. The voice of her brother comes next.  "All hail her grace! Alysanne of House Targaryen, first of her name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm." The people scream for the one true queen.

Drogon, Sunfyre, and Rhaegal all land behind them roaring out with pride and excitement that the rulers felt. They had won, Lya realized slowly, it was finally won.

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