53|fate of the wolves

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The crypts were quiet and all she could hear was the echoing footsteps as Jon and her walked down the hall. Daenys and Ghost trailed behind them, their nails clicking on the cold stone floor. Some of the stone caskets were broken out of now from when the dead came alive in the catacombs. As they made their way to Ned's, Lya stopped in front of Lyanna's. She looked up, starring at her stone cold features.

Jon stopped, turning back to her

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Jon stopped, turning back to her. He came next to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. They both just stared in silence for a moment before they heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. They turned to look as Daenys let out a low growl and Ghost snarled silently. When Samwell came around the corner, Ghost stopped and sat on his hackles. Daenys followed suit, staying attentive.

"Sam?" Jon questioned as he pulled away from Lya and walked towards his friend. He pulled him into a hug and smiled at his friend. "What are you doing down here?"

"Bran sent me." He said, looking between Lya and Jon. His dark eyes went to the statue they stood in front of. "I hardly wanted to. I don't think anyone but Starks are welcome down here."

"Well I'm hardly a Stark." Jon shrugged as he went back to Lya. "Of course you're welcome down here." Sam opened his mouth multiple times before finally allowing words to come out.

"I've heard the story of Lyanna Stark a hundred times." He started as he watched the pair's reaction. "You know that Bran sees things. He... he saw it all." Lya looked away.

"I don't want to hear about how Rhaegar raped my aunt." Lya hisses, but Sam cuts her off.

"He never raped Lyanna. They were in love. They ran away." Sam says, making Lya and Jon snap their heads to him. Lyanna then turned to look up at her namesake. The dreams she used to dream of dragons and wolves came back to her, and she remembered the night before Jaime took her from Kingslanding. From her family.

"What are you talking about?" Jon questioned as he gripped Lya's arm tighter. Lyanna wanted to soothe him, to tell him not to worry. But the news kept coming from Sam.

"They were married in secret. Gilly and I figured it out in Cidital. He set Elia aside and married Lyanna. She became pregnant. And had twins. Dragons raised by wolves." Lya heard his words clear, realization coming over her face. The dragon dreams. All the histories she read. Everything. It all made sense somewhere deep down. She remembered finding Sunfyre's egg, sitting in front of Lyanna's statue. Her mother's statue, she realized in silence. No, she hisses to herself, no it can't be.

"What are you saying?" Lya questioned, voice breaking. But it all made sense didn't it?

What about the wolf pups?

I don't know Arya.

It was a dream.

It wasn't a dream. It was her past. All along.

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