40|wolves and lambs

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Rape triggers/non consensual sex within the chapter

Dany looks to Drogon who is lying down in a ring full of bones. Sunfyre watched ominously, golden eyes patient and waiting.

"We have to go home." Daenerys tries to plead to the dragon. Drogon lies down and grunts. "My poor, sweet thing. Does it hurt?" Dany pauses when she feels Lya's desperate look from behind her. "We have to go home. Drogon? Can you take me back to Meereen?" Daenerys pets his nose but gets no response.

"Sunfyre will go." Lyanna says as she reaches up. The dragon leans down, leaning into the touch.

"I won't leave him. He needs rest. He is hurt." Daenerys defends. Lya nods in agreement. Drogon begins turning away from her to lick at his wounds and Sunfyre turns to him. They purr at each other and Sunfyre nuzzles against him.

"We should find something to eat." Lya finally says. Daenerys nods.

"How far are we, do you think?" She asks, walking close next to Lya. The Stark holds her hand as they walk down the ridge.

"I don't know. It was all a blur." Lya admits. She remembered the feeling. The wind in her hair. The cold biting her nose. It was freedom. The freedom she felt in the North atop Calla. But the rumble of her roars and the thunder clap of her wings made the ride much different. It was amazing. She could never ride a horse again without thinking about how it felt to be on a dragon.

"Where have they been you think?" Dany questions as they step into a great grass plateau.

"Tyrion said he saw them flying over the ruins of Valyria. Maybe they were trying to go home." Daenerys stops suddenly. She puts her hand out, gripping Lya's hand. That's when she hears it. Hooves slamming against packed earth in the distance. They were much farther from Sunfyre and Drogon now and both were tending to their wounds anyway.

Suddenly, over the horizon, a giant hoard of Dothraki lurch foreword like a wave

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Suddenly, over the horizon, a giant hoard of Dothraki lurch foreword like a wave. Lyanna feels her heart fall. They were trapped. Daenerys drops her ring to the ground as they begin to circle the pair. Hooting and howling at their catch. Dany squeezes Lya's hand to try to comfort her. "Stay close."

The Dothraki horde traveled in great numbers. Lya had never seen so many people in one strip. Daenerys stood at her side, both being pulled by ropes on blood rider's horses. One of them reaches down and whipped Dany, causing Lya to bristle. But Daenerys gave her a soft look as if to remind her that she was okay.

"Maybe they saw a ghost." The blood rider said in Dothraki. Lya could understand most of the language, being able to guess the rest of each sentence. "My friend's mother saw a ghost and her hair turned white."

"Pink people are afraid of the sun." The other replies, shaking his head at his companion. "It burns their skin. This one stands too long in the sun and her hair goes white." He gestured to Dany who started foreword blankly as if she didn't understand their language.

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