49|how times change

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Almost completely off the show
from now on. Also this is a long ass chapter because I want the battle for Winterfell to be the 50th chapter so you're welcome.

Lya's eyes travel the tundra around them. They had been riding since they arrived at white harbor. She felt tired as she sat atop the black mare. She wished that Daenerys would have agreed to let her fly but she knew they had to be diplomatic. Bringing four dragons into Winterfell may not seem diplomatic.

"You alright?" Daenerys asks as she peers over at Lyanna. She rode to her left while Jon rode at the right atop his brown Dornish stallion. Dany stuck with her normal silver.

"I'm great." Lya smiles at her, the thought of the dead was weighing on her. She had never seen them. She didn't know what they would be facing.

"Are you thinking of home?" Daenerys Targaryen smiles at her love. Her silver hair was pulled back in intricate braids and her cheeks were kissed with cold, making them glow pink.

"I haven't been there for a very long time." Lya shrugs, turning to Jon who listened as silent as Ghost. "Has it changed much?"

"The Boltons did some damage," the bastard smiles assuringly. "But Stark banners fly over our home again."

"Good." Lya nodded. "Let's keep it that way." It took two more long days of non stop riding to finally get to the town before Winterfell. Lya did not feel tired as soon as she saw it. The walls so high. She remembered as a child she thought that Winterfell was the biggest castle in the world.

The people starred at them with wide worried eyes. This is their home, Lya knew, and we are foreign invaders. They all cowered in fear as Sunfyre let our a loud roar, flying low above the town. Drogon, Viserion and Rhaegal followed her. All letting out screeches of excitement. In the corner of her eye, Lya saw Daenerys smile.

When they approached the gates, they were threw open. Every memory flooded back into her like a gust of wind. Little Jon and Robb ran across her vision, all running from Lyanna. Whenever they played Maidens and Monsters, Lya always chose the monster. The boys were stuck with maidens. The laughter clung to her ears as they entered Winterfell. Jon was right. Banners were flowing down every large wall. A direwolf running across a frozen tundra. Lya thought the second she entered Winterfell she would feel at home. But still, she felt that constant on edge.

They entered the courtyard and Lya's eyes found Tully blue. She jumped off her horse, Daenys following her like a shadow. "Sansa." She whispered softly as she approached the red head. Her eyes were blank and cold. But a smile slowly broke on her face as she recognized her.

"Lya." She responded and collapsed against her. Sansa quickly pulled away though, fixing her dress and looking around wearily. Lya felt as though she had been punched in the stomach. All the butterflies of excitement died in an instant. She had appearances to keep up, Lya thought, can't have her hanging on her older sister. "I thought you were dead."

"All that I can tell you later." Lya looked over to see Jon jumping off his horse as well. She followed his line of sight to Bran. His eyes were blank and he no longer looked like the little boy she had left here. Jon hugs him tightly and kisses his forehead.

"You're a man now." He muttered with a smile, on the verge of tears.

"Almost." Lya starred in confusion before coming to them and hugging Bran as well. She kisses his head and smiled.

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