16|lannister legacy

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Trumpets sounds from the Lannister camp as the group approached. Lya looked down at the dark wolf that trotted at the side of Calla. The direwolf was getting larger by the day, Lya could almost touch her head from the horses back. "Don't worry girl. We'll get home soon." Lya soothed when she heard a whine emit from Daenys. "I swear it."

"Come now. You need a bath." Jaime said as he rode up beside her. Daenys muscles tensed from under her pelt. The man who she had once been kind to, gave Lya fear and anger when in his presence. Daenys even hoped that Lya would give her the command to tear his throat out. Maybe her owner would no longer feel the fear that drowned Daenys' senses.

"I'm glad you are able to comment on my hygiene when it is your fault I've been trampling around in the mud for the last week." Lya hisses at him, gripping the reigns of her mare tighter.

"You're to meet my father. A maid will come to your tent and see that you are bathed and prepped. You won't be looking like you just crawled out of a mud pit then." Jaime hisses back and steers away from her. Lya scoffs and allows a woman to lead her to the tent.

Lya is bathed in lavender water. Her hair being filled with oils that made her sneeze when she smelled them. Once done they dressed her in trousers, thankfully to Lya. Along with high boots and a red tunic. Red. Lya decided that red was not her color as she was lead out of the tent and towards another. She reluctantly had left the direwolf behind, in fear of what the famed Lion would do to her if he saw the pup.

Jaime met her outside the tent, looking her up and down. He had changed into red armor that made him truly look like a lion. It made Lya despise him more. He opened the tent flap for her and she was met with the stentch of a fresh kill. Lya took confident strides into the tent, watching who she assumed was Tywin Lannister closely. He sharpened his knives on a block, barely looking up at the pair as they entered.

"A letter from The Hand of the King, father." Jaime greeted. Lya shot a look at him. He had not told her of this. She wondered if he demanded Jaime's head for taking her. Silently she prayed to any god listening that this letter would send her home.

"Get on with it." Tywin said in a cold voice as he began to skin the deer. This was something Lya has learned to do at the mere age of 12 when Ser Rodrick took her hunting to practice her archery. The thought of the old man brought a small smile to her face. She missed him as much as she missed her home. The old knight was a big part of Lya's child life and she wished nothing more than to hear him yell at her about her stance or ridicule the other boys who couldn't stand up to a girl.

"Summoned to court to answer for the crimes of your bannerman Gregor Clegane, the Mountain." Jaime looked up at his father, waiting for a reaction. None came. "Arrive within the fortnight or be branded an enemy of the Crown. Also demanded is the return of Lyanna of house Stark." Jaime holds the letter over the flame, glancing at his wife. Lya simply scowls. "Poor Ned Stark. Brave man, terrible judgment."

"Attacking him was stupid." Tywin Lannister hisses at his son as he cuts into the deer. "And kidnaping his daughter like some Targaryen fool is even stupider." This caused Lya to throw a smirk at Jaime. "Lannisters don't act like fools." Jaime doesn't respond to this, looking down at the floor beneath them with a glare. "Are you gonna say something clever? Go on, say something clever."


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